Don't Have the Program Yet...But Need Support

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)
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Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:22 am

Post by DIAA » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:27 am

Hi all, I ordered the program and I am waiting for it to come. I have had generalized anxiety disorder for some time. However, recently I now have full blown panic attacks with crippling symptoms. I am starting to not want to leave my house. This is an issue as I must go to work and be productive while there. Any suggestions until the program comes would be helpful. Can someone share some techniques?


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:41 pm


I'm in your same shoes. Have you listened to the introduction video in your welcome email. Some couple good suggestions. Look around some of the posts, positive self talk ideas work Breathing has been the best for me for now, attitude and believe in yourself and hold on till that program gets to you. We will be going through this together as I just ordered, it seems funny we have to wait for something we want so bad, just remember there are alot of helping caring people here, when no one else will listen someone here always will.

your new friend,


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:37 pm

Hi guys,

In the second week of the program, you will learn some powerful techniques to deal with panic attacks, generalized anxiety, and depression. Perhaps the most helpful thing you can do for yourself right now is to use positive dialogue during an episode of panic. Say things to yourself like, "It's just anxiety, it will pass." "These feelings and body symptoms are uncomfortable, but they will not hurt me." "I'm in no danger - I'm safe and secure." "This condition is temporary, and I am committed to getting better."

It also helps to breathe slowly: 2-second inhale through the nose, and a 4-second exhale through the mouth.

You guys are going to be feeling MUCH better soon. Hang in there! And remember you're not alone!



Post by Guest » Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:53 pm

As soon as you realize that the attacks won't hurt you they start to go away. You can even find humor in the attacks...I know that sounds crazy but you can! Once you realize you are safe you can try to laugh about it. Breathe, give yourself positive talk, and know that you are safe. A prayer never hurts either. Good luck! You can do it!


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:46 pm

Hello DIAA, I read your post and wanted to let you know that you will feel much better very soon! I speak from experience. After nearly 30 yrs of anxiety, I am just now knowing what to do about it. When you have a panic attack and it feels real scarey, stop and think for a second and realize that you have felt this way many times before and they have not hurt you ,nor ill they ever hurt you. There have been millions that have gone through this before(that's why they wrote the program huh?) and they have been delivered out of this. I used to think that everything about me was soooo unique that there was not help for me! Man was I WRONG!! Here I am today driving anywhere I want to go, doing whatever I want to do and meeting people in public WOW what a different anf better life it is. You will get there, just don't 'hurry' it up, everyone is different and everyone moves in the pace they can, so allow yourself TIME to get better! When you get to feeling better, DO NOT quit the program (I did and I regreted it) and stay in the workbook. Matter of fact read it several times over because we always miss something important the first time we read it.

Take care,

ps. I rarely check for any responce because many do not respond, but you if you want to talk again please PM me (or anyone on here for that matter)



Post by Guest » Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:11 pm

I have been agoraphobic and had depression for 24 years, but reading your posts gives me hope.

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