Establishing a regular physical exercise routine

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Jan Emily
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Post by Jan Emily » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:50 am

---I would be interested in hearing from those who have been able to make a committment to exercising on a regular basis; and from those who have learned from their mistakes. This has been a long term problem for me. I go to exercise classes and then stop after class ends.
---I'm doing better since listening to Lucinda's tapes and have an exercise routine I can do at home and got from a "Strong Women Strong Bones Class" and try and walk every other day between doing routine.
---I'm in the middle of Session 5 on Diet and Exercise. Healthy eating has finally become ingrained habit but not exercise. Thank you, Jan Emily

Cris in NY
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Post by Cris in NY » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:16 am

I too am having trouble getting the exercise thing going. I am not an early riser although I would love to be (any help here). Then I try to get a walk in at night but by the time I get home it just doesn't happen. I know that it is up to me to make this work, but any help would be great.

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Post by sunbound » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:39 am

I dreaded mornings for a long time. I am the person Lucinda talked about when she mentioned before getting out of bed you've already had 6 or 8 negative thoughts!

My first step was to change the thoughts. As soon as I caught the "I'm too tired. I don't want to get up." I would think to myself. STOP. You might think you're tired now, but once you move around, you'll feel SOOOOO much better.

I have found a small group of people that walk together with me at 6:30 in the morning for 4 miles. (You could do less if you don't have time permitting 4 miles.) It IS what starts my day out right. I knew I could do this because my first time of getting up early and loving it was 5 years ago when I lived elsewhere. My weight had gotten out of hand for me and I knew that I needed real help. I prayed to God for an answer - someone to come get me up in the mornings (I lived alone). I wasn't a morning person, but I knew it was the time I was most wasting as I'd wake up at 8 in the morning, then rush to fight traffic and get to work by 9:30 or 10.

Well, my prayers were answered and for 4 weeks I tried a local "boot camp", which really was suited for beginners like me. It was 4 days a week, 6-7 a.m. and I thought I can do it for 4 weeks and see how I feel. It was also VERY expensive so I figured I HAD to go every day to get my money's worth. The teachers were very physically fit personal trainers and were excellent motivators as were the others in the group.

I did that for almost a year until I got hurt and was in better shape in that time than I'd even been since high school! I stayed that way, and kept a life of good eating and working out until a trauma affected me. I've taken a bad step back, but I realize that although I changed my eating and exercise routine, my thinking hadn't changed. THUS, I am now doing this program.

I am not working out as much as I was, but I am giving it a start and have made it a habit once again to get up early in the morning. My eating is getting under control and I continue to try to work on my THINKING!!

I wouldn't change the way I feel even while I'm walking in the morning.

My suggestion is to tell yourself you'll feel wonderful when you're walking after you get up and then just walk around the block twice as the first thing you do each day!! Give that a try for 4 weeks and see how you feel! I bet you'll see great results. :)

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Post by Stagerlee » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:43 am

Hi all,,very good topic. I am 53, with a really bad back. Keeping weight off is a nessisity for me. I got 45 lbs over weight because of eating habits and no exersise. My wife moved my treadmill in front of my huge screen tv and put me on high fiber plenty of fruit diet. Now the walking is much easier as I watch sports center or a ballgame. I have dropped the weight in little over 2 months and feel so much better. My whole attitude has changed mainly because I dont have the guilt of not doing something about the problem and the healthy eating. Its not that big of a change in routine but has made a huge change in me. Hope this helps a little,Bruce

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Post by Nicholene » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:53 am

Exercise for me IS like therapy. When my kids were little I started off by walking EVERYDAY with them in the stroller. Now I am really into spinning(biking class). I know its hard to get started but it needs to become like a habit. For me doing it the same time everyday. When Im exercising I just think thoughts like oh this feels great, i love this feeling, this is so good for me. Its an escape from all my problems. Really get into the music and let the music and exercise take you away for a little bit. I do work out hard now but believe it I was in the best shape of my life when I just walked, but the key is to do it everyday. When I went through this program last summer I did all the tapes while walking at the park. I would walk untill the entire tape was finished. Hope I helped and JUST DO IT. Youll be happy you did. Hugs Nicki

Cris in NY
Posts: 7
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Post by Cris in NY » Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:04 am

Thanks for all the encouragement. I certainly will try the suggestion of telling myself that I am not tired when I get up. I know I just need to get out there and do it. It seems I have so much to work on it is a bit overwhelming. I know small steps...thanks again.

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