Afraid of doctors, etc.

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Post by monkey35 » Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:27 am

Ok. I made my appointment for my annual physical. And I get so worked up every time i make the appt. My hearts racing a mile a minute right now! This is what's going through my mind right now...i feel fine, healthy, etc, but what if i have my physical and routine blood work and i get a call a week later giving me some bad news. i am a wreck and the appt. isn't for another month and a half.


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:53 am

Are you going through the program?

Have you listened to Session 3?

I would bet that you're picturing yourself at the doctor's office having anxiety and panicing. Am I right?

Start picturing yourself going to the doctor and being just fine. Try to feed your subconscious positive pictures instead of negative ones.


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:26 am

I have a thought. Have you been going to the same doctor for quite awhile? Do you get along well with him/her? You may wish to discuss this with your doctor at the appropriate time - I am sure many, many of his/her other patients experience this as well. The reason I ask this is that I get along so well with my doctor that I almost look forward to it as a conversational visit rather than as an appointment.

Meanwhile, every time you think about this and it scares you, say to yourself, "negative thoughts, get out and leave me alone, you can't control me". Then replace these with visualizations of you having the best checkup ever and that you look and feel great. Replace those old negative thoughts (and they are only thoughts) with some super positive ones. This technique can be used with or without relaxation tapes. Try and use visual imagery and visualize a beautiful scene whenever you have these negative thoughts.

That's what I do when the time comes for me to go to the dentist, which is my fear and it has worked extremely well. I wish you all the best and I know you will fly through your annual physical with flying colours.


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