A newbie question...

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Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:00 pm

Post by TDub » Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:01 pm

When I ordered the program, I couldn't WAIT for it to come. Then after it arrived, it took me two weeks of looking at the box before I could open it! Has anyone else had the same thing happen to them?
Now that I opened the box and watched the introductory DVD, I'm so glad I opened it. To see that so many other people have the exact same things going on in their heads as I do was such a relief to me! Even just hearing everyone else's stories makes me feel better already and lets me know I've hit on a winner with this program. It's just so nice to know that I'm not alone in trying to wade through the anxiety and depression and back to my life which I used to enjoy so much. I'm tired of not wanting to get out of bed in the morning... I'm tired of not wanting to live another day this way. Can anyone out there relate? It just helps me so much to know there are others in the same boat.



Post by Guest » Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:28 pm


Welcome! I think just about all of us have been right where you are now. You are not alone by a long-shot! Many people struggle with anxiety and depression during their lifetime. You have stumbled upon a beautiful thing in this program. It will show you the way out of the darkness.



Post by Guest » Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:37 pm

I second that!!

And <span class="ev_code_PINK">WELCOME !!!!!!!! </span>


Post by Guest » Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:02 pm

Originally posted by Crave:

Welcome! I think just about all of us have been right where you are now. You are not alone by a long-shot! Many people struggle with anxiety and depression during their lifetime. You have stumbled upon a beautiful thing in this program. It will show you the way out of the darkness.
Thanks very much, Crave! Reading comments such as yours really does make me feel SOOOO much better! Before I watched the infomercial and ordered the program, used to think something was really wrong with me, you know? And wonder how the heck did this happen??? But with supportive comments like yours and others, I really am already beginning to feel way better about it, like I am not alone. Really makes a big difference to find that out for sure. Thanks for caring enough to give me your input. It really does help a lot!



Post by Guest » Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:05 pm

Originally posted by deedee00:
I second that!!

And <span class="ev_code_PINK">WELCOME !!!!!!!! </span>
Thanks, DeeDee! I really appreciate it very much. And thanks for the welcome--feel like I'm finally "home", you know what I mean?


Post by Guest » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:37 am


That is what it's all about, and why this community here is such a beautiful thing! We all have to find our own way through this (with the help of the program), but it is nice to know you are NOT alone (by a long-shot), and that others have been RIGHT where you are, and have powered through this. You can do it too! Just have faith in yourself. You are on the right path for sure...



Post by Guest » Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:14 pm

Thanks very much. I have even more courage now to continue knowing that so many others are also on the "Yellow Brick Road" like me! I'm so glad I found the program... and the community. Feels like another family, and a great one because they understand. Thanks again!

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