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Post by Therapy4me » Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:54 am

I just finished the program around Christmas time and I am feel so much better to cope with anxiety, negative thoughts, attacks, etc.

I have been reading through other topics and forums and most of the time, I see topics about people having specific problems. Much of the topics or forums are initiated by people that usually have something "negative" happening and are looking for suggestions, help or advice.

My questions is for those that have started the program, or are in the middle of it, or even have finished it----WHAT WAS THE MOST HELPFUL THING YOU GOT OUT OF THE PROGRAM THAT HELPED YOU WITH YOUR SPECIFIC ANXIETY, NEGATIVE THINKING, OR ATTACKS?

I am curious, because even though I have finished the program and found it to be extremely beneficial, of course I still face anxiety and have negative thoughts enter my mind, but I can get through them quickly because of the new coping skills I learned.

There was so much information provided by the program, and perhaps there was something I missed that really helps you and that could help me and others.



Of course this is a program that I need to go over and over again for the needed reassurance.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:19 am



Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:52 am

Congrats on finishing the program. You will find in time it is one of the best things you ever did for yourself.

I finished in April 2007. The biggest lesson I learned was that I did this to myself (anxiety), not anyone or anything else. Some could look at that as negative, but since I caused it, I could turn it around and did. I still have anxiety in my life but I know how to not make it turn into panic.

The positive self talk is something I always "heard" about and actually thought I was doing, but wow what a lesson I learned about that......

You will always refer back to the program at some point. I pop in a CD in the car every now and then on the way to and form work, just to get a refresher....


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:06 am

Hi Deborah,

Very good post! I think we all have now programmed ourselve into those negative thought cycles and although recovered to the point of considered 'cured' they will always always rear their ugly head but more so as 'normal' people do.

Anxiety and stress are natural reactions within the body. Natural instinct and responses and in some situations you would, believe it or not, want those reactions.. for this reason we all will continue to go through it as everyone does and is a fact of life! someone on tape 3 mentions that she thinks of that negative cycle and feeling as a memory the minute she feels it, she used to think like that but not anymore and refuses to allow herself to slip into that hole. That makes sense to me and has helped ease the stress of those thoughts and feelings re-entering my mind.. try it and let me know!

I am only on session 4 and working on 3, but I can say this program has helped me drastically already. Hard to believe as I was the most skeptical of skeptical and even had it packed up to send back but decided on advice from an veteran member to keep it. I could kiss her and send her millions of flowers and it wouldnt be enough thank yous.. nonetheless there are some major things the program has done for me:

1. I have released much of my anger from my childhood towards myself and my family by understanding it wasnt them that made my childhood bad (well they did but) the ocd and anxiety was b.c of what they put me through. It was the disorder that tortured me and still does at times.. not the people..

2. To have compassion and begin to really work on me for the better.. this is a huge one! I feel more patient in life! This alone reduced the anxiety by 50% the other 40% was just understanding OCD and anxiety..

4. obviously the positive thinking has helped immensley. It isnt just the tapes it it the workbooks and the amazing little homework projects.. I dont beat myself up as much.. makes me happier. Also I have to say I feel like my thinking style is LIGHTER now, not soo heavy from morning to night! I am happier, I believe I can do anything again.. IT IS SO WONDERFUL and I never ever thought I would see the light again (actually I thought the light didnt exist anymore!) and I also worried that this was who I grew up in, lived in and was who I was.. I can totally change.. its amazing!

3. I have been able to remove the band aid of meds (2 weeks and doing great without em'!) stopped by mistake but lovin it now! I can feel and deal with all my natural emtions.. feelings and thoughts are clearer and separate from who I am as a core. I have gotten in touch with my religion again and never ever thought that would happen.. I am inspired to help others, to get my hobbies back (which Ive done- started working and riding horses again Saturdays!) I dont think I have ever had a lust for life ever! not that I dont struggle, I do but not half as much! not 'stuck' in brain lock anymore!

4. I love my husband more than ever, and continue to love him the more I love myself!

I cannot even list in the two months Ive had this program how much is has done for me.. and I just scratched the surface. It has become my best friend and confidant and love having it beside me all the time. I know I have a long way to go and tend to take 2 steps forward one back.. but have hope. Anyone doing this and doing well understands HOW MUCH WORK goes into it.. although exciting, contagious and satisfying takes a lot..

I believe I will use this tool forever, I have used some of the techniques around my entire life and it is incredible how receptive and willing my spouse and coworkers have been.. it is completely contageous! for instance I have been more positive at work, we all have begun trying to make it better and the whole enviroment has changed! we all love our jobs now! nonetheless I wish everyone doing this the best, I wish I could afford to buy every single person/family in this world a program b.c it would be an incredible evolution! I have recommended it to many people and cant wait to see their lives change too!

Thanks for this positive post and keep up the good work.. everytime you do a session you learn or see something different.. keep up the work on it! Best of luck to everyone on their journeys!

Cheers to a great 2008 continuing our journey to recovery!

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Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:06 am

Post by SeaRunner » Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:31 am

I just started the program . I am very anxiety ridden and just started to learn to use the relaxation tape. I need a lot of help . Got through the holidays. stayed busy but was still anxious. I did the jump -start and tape one. T-Glo
"Common things occur commonly. Uncommon things don't. Therefore, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." -- C.J. Peters


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:40 pm

I love the program!!! I'm on lesson 7 and WOW I’m doing so much better... What helps me the most is lesson 3, positive self talk! I don't care what the thought is I know there's a healthy way of thinking about it and I replace it... That truly works for me! Remember we have to just keep it up and in turn we will feel so much better, view situations in a better light, and be able to face are fears! I love the book by Shad Helmstetter “What to say when you talk to yourself"! If you don't have it get it! :)
God bless


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:47 am

The program originally helped me with severe anxiety as well as emotional eating and made it possible for me to go from 172pds down to 118pds. The program helped to make me independent which my ex-husband didn't think was a good thing. Since then I have divorced and I am now married to the love of my life and fantastic step-father. In the past year we have had large mountains to climb and I am in the process of going back through the program material to stay on track and deal with some difficult controlling family in the best manner possible. That's my favorite part, I have the program and it's here for me to use always.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:57 am

Stay with the program. I found after looking back that some tapes and lessons helped me more then others. I use a pencil and make small tally marks so I know how many times I have used the tapes. Then if I am having difficulty I can see which tapes I have used the most to benefit myself. I also find that in times of anxiety the relaxation tapes help. When I listened to the tapes I would stop the tape and write down the things that I would find most useful so I could always have it infront of me as a reminder.
Originally posted by TGLO:
I just started the program . I am very anxiety ridden and just started to learn to use the relaxation tape. I need a lot of help . Got through the holidays. stayed busy but was still anxious. I did the jump -start and tape one. T-Glo


Post by Guest » Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:15 am

The best thing for me about the program is that I realized I wasn't alone. Even the most stable people have ups and downs. This community has also been a life center, giving understanding love and support. I didn't know anyone before who was willing to talk and share. It was like something to sweep under the rug, so I did, and didn't deal with my problems (and I didn't know how to either).

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