Hormones and Anxiety/Depression

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Post by MDK » Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:24 am

Just getting the tape series. Had anxiety years ago but seemed to go away until the hormone changes hit me hard in December.

Anxiety in waves, then hot flash, not sleeping or consistantly waking up at 3/4am -- then depression/obsessive thinking. Doc has me on Ativan which I working on weaning off of.

How has the program helped in these situations. Any members have success w/ bioidentical hormones to ease the anxiety symptoms. I've read where the hormone shifts can rear the anxiety and depression.

Or can the program be a stand-alone and not require any drugs or hormone replacement.


St. Louis


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:22 am

Hello MDK:

I have the same situation. I have found that my anxiety/panic has two sides. For me, the struggle has a very physical side, which is the imbalance of hormones including menstrual and adrenaline hormones and the thyroid gland's role in utilizing/balancing these hormones. I also have other health issues that affect my anxiety (joint pain, etc.).

The other side is the emotional/thinking side which Lucinda's program has been extremely helpful for me. I am only on session 4. There is probably going to be a session that will cover the hormone and health issues as well.

For the hormone situation, check out <A HREF="http://www.womentowomen.com/default.aspx" TARGET=_blank>http://www.womentowomen.com/default.aspx</A>. They have some very good information and herbal support that may be helpful for you. Or you may look into a professional herbalist in your area. I am using herbal supplements under the care of a nutritionist who is also a Ph.d. They have been extremely helpful. My situation has been with me for a long time and it has taken a few weeks for him to address each health issue I have because the body can only handle one thing at a time. But everything is really making a difference.

Another resource you may want to check out is <A HREF="http://healthjourneys.com/" TARGET=_blank>http://healthjourneys.com/</A>.

Good luck and God Bless,

Eileen :)


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:04 am

Thanks Eileen -
I am working with a chiro who has some nutrtional support ( my prefered way to go) I am interested to see if any on the boards have had success w/ bio identical hormone replacement. It seems to make "sense".


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Post by complex&sweet » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:27 am

I've found that getting off most sugar and cutting back on simple carbs helps a lot.

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Post by epa » Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:36 pm

Hi i struggle with hormonal issues too. i get even more anxious and depressed. I am going to see an herbalist soon and i want him to address those issues. I also break out before my cycle which JUST started happening so that how i know i am hormonal )-: i think the program will help a lot but also check out some vitamins and herbs. . that women to women thing sounds great but i cannot afford it. .
ATTITUDE -- The mind is like a parachute...it doesn't work unless it's open!!


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:59 am


Thank you for your post about "Bio" Identical Hormone Replacement. I hadn't heard of this before. I looked it up on the web and did some reading. It sounds like something very safe and natural that is a good way to go if other natural methods are not successful. I guess they start with a lifestyle change (diet, exercise, herbal therapy, etc.). If this doesn't work, then BHRT is a good avenue to consider. It sounds like it's usually used for women who are in perimenopause or menopause. Don't know for sure though.

The herbal therapy that I am taking has made considerable improvements for me. My anxiety (thyroid and adrenaline hormones), intestinal inflammation, and joint pain are all pretty much under control. And Lucinda's program is also a big part of this improvement. My menstrual hormone issues are much improved and need more time to see if this is going to be sufficient for me. If they don't make any further considerable improvements, I am going to look into the BHRT. I happy that it is a natural method and specific to each individual. I like how they do specific blood testing on each individual and mix the hormones (cream or supplement) to suit that particular person. It's reassuring to know that this is an available option. Thanks again for the post.

Eileen :)


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:22 am

I totally believe that hormonal shifts affect anxiety and depression. I have had anxiety issues my whole life, but nothing debilitating. And then menopause came into play. I don't think it is a coincidence that my anxiety skyrocketed at the same time.

I am not a candidate for hormone replacement therapy, but I found pretty good success with menopause supplements from the store. I also started a good vitamin regiment, making sure I was getting plenty of calcium, B and D vitamins. I also took Effexor for a couple of years, and it really helped with hot flashes and got me through the worst of menopause.

My body seems to have settled down now, and so has my anxiety (although that has more to do with the program than anything).


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:02 am

Hello unicorn,

Would you mind sharing why you are not a candidate for hormone replacement therapy. And did you mean "BIO" Hormone Replacement Therapy as well? I'm curious if the body/hormones have to test to something specific in order for it to be ok or approved for one to do.

Thanks, Eileen :)

Dana Gann
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Post by Dana Gann » Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:20 pm

The reason I couldn't do HRT is because of a problem I have with migraine and rebound headaches. I don't know enough about "BIO" HRT to comment, but I seemed to have no problem with the supplements I took. There was no test, there was just my medical history and my doctor knowing that it wouldn't work for me.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:08 am

Thank you Unicorn. I appreciate you sharing your experience.

Eileen :)

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