too scared to make a decision

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Post by JigerWo84 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:47 am

why is it that im too scared to make a decision? i just got back from australia doing stunt school, and came back to major debt and to find out that my company laid me off. and ive just been sitting at home feeling sorry for myself when i know i have all the potential to get myself out of debt. i have electrical work lined up, but im too scared to do it because im too scared that i will get stuck back in the trade and lose focus of my goal to become a stuntman. i have a restaurant job but im so worried that i have to learn a whole new menu meet all new people and have a lot of time to myself because im sitting home alone on a lot of days. why can't i just listen and find out what i really want?


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:15 am

It is never easy is it.........however the only way to get through it is to continually put one foot in front of the other until it slowly begins to become easier. I do believe that it is by DOING that we get better. There is no magic answer or magic pill it is by retraining our behavior, our thoughts and our brains :) Then the rewards come our way!!!

I wish you the best,

Coco :)


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:57 am

When I was anxious and depressed, making any decision was a daunting task, often with fruitless results. Some days produced no decisions or action on my part. I was stiffened with fear, comfortable in how things were. I completely agree with Coco that one must put one foot in front of the other and just DO. I could have just sat in fear and indecisiveness literally forever. But I wanted something, not sure of what, but something. And if I did nothing I would get nothing. So crunch time came in, I had to get a job and did. Worked there for a couple years, got laid off because of the economy and then was not too sure what I wanted to, another job, open a business, and several dozen other possibilities. I chose school. It was something I felt I wanted more, even though I was scared, no more like terrified of it. I was not sure if I could do it, but I am and have been for 3 years now. I just went with what I really wanted, what my personal goal was, what I enjoyed doing, my passion and just went for it. Right now it must be difficult just getting the lay off news especially when you have not been home and you have bills. I know it can be scary. And SO many choices for career and jobs! All this can be overwhelming.

Break it down...

You ARE intelligent and capable of working.

You ARE talented and experienced, multi-faceted and would be an asset to ANY organization.

You ARE hardworking!


What you do really like to do?

Can you work a part time job until you are get yourself/name established in the stuntman industry? My friends daughter used to work night and weekends while she pursued her dream of a Hollywood acting career by day.

Remember it is NOT all or nothing as we seem to make it out to be and not all is as bad as we can make it seem. I can remember being scared, unsure, confused, overwhelmed. I needed to just sit back, take a breathe and look in depth, in me. I needed to see that I was going to be OK whatever I did, and that I have ALL these things that I CAN do! Sure maybe everything will not happen exactly the way I want, when I want or like I want, but regardless I WAS going to achieve and excel in whatever I did because I WANTED IT! Do not focus on stuck, focus on moving forward with your life! You have the tools, skills, intelligence, talent and options. Good luck in any of the wonderful choices you have available to you.

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