Scared Of Choking

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Post by artistguy » Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:06 am

my fear of choking started last year with a traumatic incident and since then I have had this fear of choking. It is much more the thought than the actual eating which gives me the anxiety. Has anyone experienced this and does it go away eventually as I do not wish to be like this for the rest of my life. Thanks in advance.


Post by Guest » Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:38 am

Hello artistguy:
Yes, I've certainly had that fear.
At the tiem that fear developed I had no idea that it was connected to my anxiety.
I used to get strangled very easily. And when I did it was very difficult for me to get my breath back. I would get very scared before I got it back.
I got very strangled while eating candy, (chocolate covered cheries) in the very early 90's. This was a particularly bad time. I really struggled to get my breath for a long time.
Sometime after this I went to doctor because I was having problems with losing my voice.
It was discovered that I had some polyps on or near my voice box.
I had lasser surgery on that. I was put to sleep and the polyp taken off.
That has been a long itme ago.
I still have a fear of getting strangled. (or choking). Because once in awhile I do get strangled on my coffee or something. And I have such a hard time getting my breath back. It takes me what seems a long time. I had to have that redone later on. I think there are some scars from that.

But I don't think my fears about "choking"are
directly from that surgery. No.
I think it originated with anxiety in the first place.
Oh, and I must admit that I was a very heavy smoker. I quit smoking for good in 1997.

I still am very careful how I swallow stuff because I still have a lingering fear of choking. But it isn't a constant fear anymore.
I'm just careful.
I understand your fear.

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Post by artistguy » Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:28 am

Thank you for the reply. It is said that a phobia is more likely to go away if it was caused by a traumatic event. I do hope that this is true. Would be interested to hear more experiences.

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Post by Whispers65 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:33 pm

Hi. I had a fear of choking especially at night. I have allergies so sinus drainage gets the best of me and I would wake up choking quite a bit. I don't have that problem now.

Also, lately I always want to take a bottle of water with me for fear of choking like when going to the grocery store, etc. This is weird though because I haven't had this problem before. Right now it's more of a curiousity as to why I'm reacting that way. It's almost funny although I do carry a bottle of water with me.

My aunt had a fear of swallowing for over a year but it has been years now since it went away.

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Post by artistguy » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:11 am

Thanks for that. It is nice to know that it goes away eventually, as it is the main problem for me at the moment. I also think that the general anxiety also contributes to it so you cannot turn off the thoughts and fears.

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Post by artistguy » Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:59 am

I heard that Carolyn the Education Director also suffered with this problem and she is okay now so there is hope.

hiker lady
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Post by hiker lady » Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:47 am

I have also had a fear of choking and have stopped taking pills and capsules because of it. I think mine stems from the anxiety combined with severe heartburn that I have been battling for years. Since getting help for the heartburn, it has definitely improved, but I still feel some symptoms when I am anxious about something. I also always carry water with me just in case.

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Post by Boon » Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:14 am

Hi Artistguy,

I experienced this fear in 1976. It lasted for approximately a year. I did seek therapy because I was unable to eat for fear I'd choke and die. I had just had a baby and I was so afraid of not being there for him that I developed this phobia. One day I was with a diving group and we had prepared a meal for the ab divers and I sat down with everyone and took my first bite and swallowed! I was so elated I jumped for joy! Everyone else was just as excited as I was.

YES - YOU WILL GET OVER IT. Breathe into those scary feelings and send love to them. It will pass.

It would also be helpful to read (this book has been wonderful for me) Freedom from Fear by Dr. Howard Liebgold. There are exercises in there that will help you through this. I wish this book had been available years ago, but what is - is. And, it's available now.

You'll be OK.
"Life is not about comfort. It is about living." Dr. Howard Liebgold

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Post by artistguy » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:54 am

Thanks for the replies. This all happened after a pretty bad gagging incident, but I think there was stuff leading up to it. Plus being somewhat of a hypochondriac I looked everywhere for answers and I think I took other people's choking experiences onto myself and probably complicated things and made them worse and ended up in a depression.

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Post by artistguy » Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:52 am

I have the Dr Liebgold book and it is an interesting read. I am sure the generalized anxiety and depression are making it worse.

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