How Important is it to Listen to the CDs in Order?

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Post by SisterCecelia » Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:02 am

I am near the end of the week for session 2 (panic attacks). And I'm really wanting to skip ahead to #3 or a CD thats farther ahead.

When I received the program, I read in the workbook that you're not supposed to skip ahead. But I looked through the CDs and found that some of my issues are with some of the other, later CDs.

How important is it to not skip ahead? Can I skip ahead if I want to? Why is it important not to skip ahead? Thanks in advance!


Barb G.
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Post by Barb G. » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:06 am

I think the first three are the most important in laying the foundation for the program. I pretty much skimmed lesson 5 as I already was aware of the diet stuff. Some people on here have posted that they spoke with the center about this and it was suggested to them to go to a certain session for help on what they were currently needing at the time.

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Post by PVF » Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:27 am

please do not skip ahead even though you feel you need the others more then the one that you are on..and she said to not get stuck on one when you can come back to it. if you skip ahead you will missout on some good material that is so helpful and miss a tool that you will need later..
i loved the relaxitation tape. i would listen to it and after many times could put my hand in the water and feel the watergo through my fngers.then i knew i was getin somewhere.i went through the program in 2003 andcome in here from time to time to help uplift others just starting the program.take care and be blessed.

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Post by Angla » Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:17 am

I skipped ahead right from the beginning cuz I'd listen to the tape for the week but also whatever was going on I'd listen to that particular CD. Don't do that. I ended up doing the program over with a coach. Each lesson really does build for the next one. Once you've completed the program then you can do the one you need for that day. In not giving your all to the workbook and that particular lesson your really not getting what you need. Again, each lesson builds for the next one. God bless.

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Post by cfe » Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:24 am


It is VERY imoportant NOT to skip ahead to other lessons. As the program states, you are not to skip ahead because every lesson teaches something important. In the program Lucinda says that you cant be good at lesson 3 for example, if you haven't gotten good at lesson 2. It's because they (the lessons) support each other. Lucinda said that if you skip around you won't learn what you should in order to get rid of anxiety and depression.

As I have stated many times, The first time I did the program I skipped around and although I started feeling a little better, It was short-lived, because I ended up worse than before I started the program. That was because I hadn't learned the program the way it was intended.

I had to start over. This time I did the program EXACTLY the way I was supposed to and NOW I am doing GREAT. I am not tortured by fears, body symptoms, aches, pains, lightheadness, spaciness, or any of that stuff that I felt tortured with.

You may THINK that you're helping yourself by finishing faster but there are lots of people on this site that has said the same thing as I am saying to you.

You can listen, or not, but that'll be on you. I'll just tell you "I told you so".

'Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option'.
"What you are is God's gift to you, and what you do with what you are is your gift to God" Too Blessed to be Stressed!!! May Grace and Mercy be multiplied to you.

Lord Help me to Finish Strong - COLOSSIANS 1:10-12

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Post by hopehound » Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:53 am

It is critically important you do not skip ahead follow the program it is designed to work a certain way. Each session builds skills and awareness that you will need in later sessions and ultimately in you recovery. And listening to the CD's Is VERY IMPORTANT you don't have to do the workbood every time but just listen passively, I pick up new things each time I listen to it that I missed or forgot before. Be patient, I know its tough I want to be recovered now to but it took time to get into this contition it will take time to get out.


Post by Guest » Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:19 am

Hi Jal.

I think that the workbook is just as, or even more important than listening to the cds. The workbook is where you get your "skills". The cds are where you get inspiration and tips, but the workbook is the "real" work. That is where you learn how to challenge and push yourself. It's full of tips on how to get rid of this stuff and every week there's something in there to make you challenge yourself, and that's important for recovering from this stuff.

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Post by Sporadic » Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:20 am

Thanks people. Well I guess I have my answer. I sort of want, as the program said of us anxious folk, for anxiety to be gone YESTERDAY, lol. Thanks.



Post by Guest » Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:57 am

I did not get anxious,have panic attacks, and get depressed over night. It was a badly learned behavior that has taken me years (of bad thought processes)to acquire. So that means it will take a while to relearn these new skills that this program is offering.I am trying to go by the program step by step but I do have days I want to skip over some things. In other words I want a quick fix. I will not reach my goals if I try to hurry the process.Roman was not built in a day. In other words follow the program just as Lucinda says. DO IT ALL.


Post by Guest » Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:57 am

hi you all, i'm so please already with the program. i used to sleep untill 3 or 4 in the afternoon and now waking up at 9h00 in the morning to listen to the cd i am already to the 4th one and it is helping i did skip at the begening then went back and i understand more and now i actualy listen to them twice.

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