Our good friend Mimi needs some encouragement.

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)

Post by Guest » Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:57 pm

Hi Mimi,

Not sure what's happening..if you are ok or not ok? But, I wanted to also wish you the best and hope that you will remember that THIS TOO SHALL PASS, tomorrow will be a better day.

Warm blessings...


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:20 am

Hi Everyone,
I first have to start out and say thank you to my dear friend Kari for this thread she is one special young woman and I love her so very much. I am so overwhelmed with the responses that this thread received and the words of love and support from all of you. I don't think words could ever express what this has meant to me. I had one of the worst days I have ever had yesterday and to look on here and read all the love and support that I have took my breathe away. In a world where there is so much critisism and negativaty I look in here and look at all of you and how much love and support you have to offer to me and also to each other. What an amazing group of people!!!!
This anxiety disorder and depression can make us feel that our world has become so small and so scary some days and then I look on here and see so many people who love one another and truly care for each other and I am inspired that my world although right now may be small it is so large in love and compassion b/c all of you are in it. Thank you again for your incouragment. Today has been rough but I am working through it thanks to all of your love and support to keep me moving forward.
Thank you again and I truly do love you all.
Love and Gratitude Mimi


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:37 am

Hi, Mimi--I don't know you, and by the posts on here I am missing out on quite a person!!!! :D

I am so sorry that you have had a rough couple of days, these little "growth spurts" really knock you for a loop! But as everyone on here has noted, this too shall pass. I will also be thinking of you and will say a prayer, and if today is a little better than yesterday, then tomorrow should be much brighter for you. Take care of yourself, it sounds like you certainly take care of others!!!

Hugs, Tara :)

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