Constant Checking

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Post by Golf4Life » Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:37 am

I also posted this in the OCD Forum.

I'm on Session 10 of the program. I do have some scary thoughts like "Who Am I?" and "Will I hurt myself or someone else", but my worst habit is the constant checking-in. Always asking myself "How does everthing look?" My worst symptom of anxiety is the unreal/depersonalization episodes and that is why I have developed this bad habit of testing/checking-in to see if the unreal is back. Everytime I look out a window, drive, walk down a hallway at work. I can't distract myself enough to get beyond this.

Can anybody relate to this?

Posts: 151
Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:14 pm

Post by monty'smom » Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:02 am

The unreality feelings you experience with anxiety will not hurt you so go ahead and experience them. They will pass. Infact, the more you welcome them in the sooner they will pass. ANY symptom you have from anxiety will not hurt you. You constantly checking in is an avoidance to feeling those feelings. Stop checking in and feel those feelings - over and over and over again - until you no longer care if you have these feelings or not. When you no longer care one way or the other, one of two things will occur - those unreality symptoms will disappear or they will become so mild that you simply dismiss them.


Post by Guest » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:58 am

Hi there, I just wanted to let you know I do the exact same thing. For example I was doing pretty good today. It's really nice out, it's Friday, I'm in a pretty good mood. So good so far right? Well, of course I've got to start having thought like...How does this look to me? How do I feel right now? Am I really happy? Does everything look real?
And on and on...I can't say it ruined my day or anything, but it would be alot better if I didn't do that to myself! Anyway just wanted to let you know I know how you feel and your not the only one who thinks about things like that.


Post by Guest » Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:07 pm

Golf4Life- I can really relate to your post. It sounds identical to me. I can ruin my day in a hurry by questioning/checking everything. Sounds like a symptom of OCD. I think you mentioned having trouble distracting yourself. I have found that distraction is the key to relief. If you are like me you get bored easily and have a hard time distacting yourself. I;ve been telling myself the phrase I learned "It's not me, it's my OCD" to help minimize it. Hang in there. It sucks but it is not impossible. God Bless!


Post by Guest » Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:00 pm

I want you to know that you are not alone!Everyday I wake up with the worry that I will go out &&'d have a panic attack in front of ppl. I am a high school student &&'d its very hard for me to hide my anxiety from the rest of the kids. I always think what if I eat then get an anxiety attack &&'d vomit in front of everyone. Some days Im scared to go to school.

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