major setback - I feel like I'm losing it! Help!!

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Post by Crave » Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:37 am

So I've been through the program twice. I've been feeling really depressed of late, and have not been able to get a handle on it. Mainly due to a divorce and feelings of being alone, hopeless etc. So a few weeks ago I started having trouble sleeping. A week ago, I was to the point where I was only getting 2-4 hours of sleep a night. I finally went to see my doc for an anti-depressant and something to help me sleep. He put me on prozac and ambien. Even with the ambien, I would still only sleep 3-4 hours, and wake up in a panic. Now my whole day is panicky because I'm constantly worrying about whether I'll be able to sleep again. So my doc put me on ambien CR instead (supposed to help keep you asleep), but I still woke up after 4.5 hours. I'm really struggling at work, and really at my wits end with this. I try to calm myself down at night, but I just can't seem to get a handle on it. My thoughts just race and I go into panic mode. I now have another call into my doc to see if there's something else to help me with the panic.

I'm pretty down on myself also that I've needed to resort to meds, because I had been off for about 6 months, and at least doing ok. I feel like a mental case. It's never been this bad before. I just want to turn my head off!!

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Post by E-Lo » Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:55 am

I really really hope someone can tell you the right words to alleviate some of this harsh pressure on you. I don't know exactly how you feel but I know that I've felt like I was going into the state that you're at and I know that it's scary... Why don't you try calling someone at StressCenter... I hear they are really greta at handling lots of issues we have... Try the breathing technique before you call so you can be a little more relaxed... I kinda got a bit of anxiety (very very slight) reading your posting because I feel bad and wish I could tell you what works... we don't know what works and although it's sad and frustrating (at its least) know that with A LOT of work you can overcome this... it takes time... you're not alone... I would really suggest trying the Stress conselors... I wish you all the best of luck... Remember that Tough Times Dan't Last... Tough People Do... Just believe in yourself and believe that it will get easier and believe that one day this will be a thing of the past and believe me it will... God bless you... Stay Strong Mr. Crave...


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Post by Faith_TX » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:05 am

I didn't realize you're going through a divorce.

Something that helped me a lot when I was going through my worst last year, was when a friend reminded me that after all we were going through . . . ANYONE would be feeling bad. Even someone that normally handles stress well.

Divorce is a terrible thing. I don't know of one person that goes through that and doesn't feel horrible. You're being too hard on yourself.

Also, I know for me, that when we were going through deaths in the family, moving, hubby being out of work, and bankruptcy, all at once. . . sometimes in a goofy sort of way it was easier for me to concentrate on my anxiety than what was REALLY bothering you.

You have a lot going on and hopefully you can realize that and be kinder to yourself. It's not the end of the world, it just FEELS like it!
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
~~ Ronald Reagan

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Post by roadblock79 » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:16 am

Thats kinda wierd, I had to get off prozac because when you take it and its wears off the drop is just terrible, I was feels wery sensentive and emotional and would cry for nothing, and very depressed. You might check with your doctor on the prozac. My doctor put me on something else, and I feels better I still have to use the tools in the program though.

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Post by AmyT107 » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:22 am

It might not help right now if you don't have it with you, but I bring the relaxation CD to work and listen to it if I feel like I'm going to lose it. Even though I can't lay down when I'm listening to it, it does help me to relax. Also, from what I have heard, Ambien helps to get you to sleep, not stay asleep. You might want to ask your doctor if he/she could give you something to help you sleep THROUGH the night. I'm so sorry you are experiencing all this - it is really tough.....breathe.

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Post by formyboys » Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:01 pm

I know we are not really suppose to talk about medicines, etc. And I know everyone reacts differently. But, I had a very difficult time with Prozac due to the sleeping issues as well. I decided not to take it either. I was only sleeping very little 2-3 hours a night and when I did, it was not restful sleep. However, I do know people that have done well with it after several weeks and using it with other meds to help sleep. Are you exercising? Eating well? Following the program?? I know, most those things are hard to do when you feel like this but, they made the world of difference for me. Hang in there,,,,keep us posted on how we can help you....We are here!!!

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Post by Skipper » Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:13 pm

Like someone posted earlier, I agree--you've experienced a tremendous loss with your divorce. That's grief, and it takes time to process through that. I agree also with the others here that you should try to give yourself a break. I know it's hard, but please try to be kind to yourself.

As far as the insomnia--I'll give you a small checklist to look at. I've been a major insomniac myself, and doing these things help me sleep. See if they might help:

--Since you're grieving, you may not have an appetite. Are you eating? If not, try to eat small meals through the day. Not eating makes your blood sugar drop, and it'll keep your mind racing and restless.

--Wind down as it get close to bedtime. Don't watch TV or be on the computer. Play some soft music. Take a relaxing bath. Keep your lights down low, and keep them off when you go to bed.

--Lavender oil helps you relax. Any health food store should have it. A couple of drops on your hands, and inhale. Or put the drops on your pillow. Should make you sleepy.

--Calcium-magnesium vitamin tablets you can buy from any drug store. Take one with some milk about 30 min. before bedtime. If you wake up, drink another tablet with another glass of milk.

--Also, if you wake up, don't look at the time. That's a habit that will make you even more anxious about not sleeping.

If you're able to get a bed-time ritual going, it'll train your mind to go to sleep.

We're all rooting for you--you will get through this:) Give it time.

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Post by Gman5256 » Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:55 pm

Hi Crave,

There are a lot of good suggestions here. I really feel for you. I encourage you to do all possible to distract yourself in the manner you find best suited. Whether it is exercising, reading, singing, laughing, anything that will help you get through the blues you must be suffering.

As for the sleep, one of the posts suggests calcium -magnesium tablets, and I hear that that is helpful. I would suggest other supplements to help calm you, but most of these have contra-indications with the likes of prozac and other medication.

I would suggest, this goes for all here, before you fill any prescription or supplement that you check them all out at: <A HREF=" ... 02F135785A" TARGET=_blank> ... 135785A</A>

I believe you mentioned, via another post, the insomnia you were suffering, and some other suggestions, as I recall, were drinking warm milk prior to going to sleep while also taking calcium-magnesium or with sleepy time tea.

I will pray for your recovery from these devastating life events, and that relief from much of the stress you are enduring is lifted from you, as you must feel that the weight of the world is upon you. I will also pray that a caring, understanding and compassionate companion be sent to you asap and that a prompt cessation of these things that are keeping you from getting a restful night of sleep.


All for His praise, glory and the joy it gives Him.

Hugs, In His Love >:D<

"He who dwells in the secret place of the most
high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

Mom of 6
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Post by Mom of 6 » Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:59 am

Crave, Sorry to hear that you've hit a rough patch, I am praying for you. I believe that "Faith" is right in saying: quote- "sometimes in a goofy sort of way it was easier for me to concentrate on my anxiety than what was REALLY bothering you."
Divorce is NOT easy, my friend. I've been there, done that! It's an unwelcomed change for most and for most of us anxious folks, any kind of change(good or bad) is uncomfortable. It's okay to "feel" while going through it. You're going through a painful experience, Anyone that's ever gone through what we've gone through can's NORMAL to react all kinds of's called GRIEF.. Gman is most helpful in saying: quote- " I encourage you to do all possible to distract yourself in the manner you find best suited. Whether it is exercising, reading, singing, laughing, anything that will help you get through the blues you must be suffering."
YOU MUST find ways to get out of your head for awhile!

Take in everything being said here, you got some AWESOME advice! Give yourself permission to go through all the emotions, this too shall pass(I promise) One day at a time and don't forget to do your breathing excercise. Do something to "unwind" prior to going to bed. Whether it be reading a book(which generally makes me sleepy) JOURNAL, have a cup of chamomille tea(or anything else to relax your body) listen to your relaxation cd again and again. turn down the want a calming relaxing atmosphere. And MOST of all, be kind to yourself. Don't put any un needed expectations on yourself. Remember, "live in the moment"..One day at a time ... You've been through ALOT!!!!

God bless you Crave,
I'm still praying for you

"O God, you are my God. Earnestly I seek you;my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is BETTER than life,my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will lift up my hands." Psalms 63

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