Anxious Anxious Anxious

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Anxious Anxious Anxious

Post by Sandiemcr » Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:19 am

I picked up the program over a year ago, and have used it for the anxiety. My depression is one thing.. but the anxiety makes me wish I were dead. I cannot stand it. I can't breathe, I'm in hyper drive... it's awful. No matter what happens in life, it leads me to this anxious place. Are there any out there that have heavy anxiety? I deal with chronic pain, and the anxiety is worse. It's so bad today, I wish I were dead. I'm new to these boards. I'm Sandie.

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Re: Anxious Anxious Anxious

Post by kkuhle » Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:39 am

I understand what you are going through. I have constant anxiety and was having a very difficult time. I was told to review lesson 10, another thing that helps is to accept the anxiety. It seems that if I try to fight it, it gets worse. I was also told to write out a plan to work towards whatever obstacle I may be facing and write out the steps that I will take to get to my goal and the breathing exercises really help. I know it helps to talk to someone who understands what you are going through!! I hope some of this helps and you are in my prayers! It will get better!!!

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Re: Anxious Anxious Anxious

Post by hope11 » Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:00 pm

Hi Sandie: I am going through extreme anxiety again in the past couple of weeks. I have had this for 2 1/2 years now. I am on anxiety meds and an antidepressant as well as some natural supplements. I went through the program and still review it quite often and do my relaxation exercises all the time. It has helped some but now I am having a real hard time again. Do you wake up and immediately start having anxiety which just won't go away? I use the techniques I have learned but I still cannot completely make it stop and stay calm. Today has not been a good day for me. Saw your post and sounds like you are having a hard time too but don't give up. I know I have felt like it many, many times but as long as I have faith in God who is always good, I will keep fighting. I try to put all my trust in Him and I admit sometimes with the physical symptoms going on, even that is hard but that is what He wants us to do. He is in control even if we are not. I am here for you if you want someone to chat with. I will continue to pray for each and every person who is going through this every day and hopefully we will come out of it soon. Good talking to you.

What kinds of feelings do you have and how are you trying to cope with them? I am just soooo anxious and nervous. I have to take med for my stomach as I get nauseated a lot if I don't. I don't eat much and really have no appetite. I cannot make anyone understand how bad it feels because they haven't experienced it themselves.

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