Facing a Fear

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Facing a Fear

Post by panicfree » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:49 pm

This weekend I will be doing something that I have been afraid to do for a while. I will be traveling 6 hours away from home for a sports competition. This requires staying a night in a hotel and 5 hours on a bus! I know I can do this and I am excited to go, but I am nervous that I will have a panic attack while I am away. :? I am also afraid of something bad happening, but I am using my skills to help me with my feelings of anxiety and fear. :) Just wondering if anyone has gone through an experience like this and has any suggestions! Thanks for your help!


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Re: Facing a Fear

Post by ladybug_101 » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:24 am

:D Panicfree i can definitely relate i have a trip coming up or should i say a trip i have refused to go on sense we went on the last trip it is a 6 hour trip !!! :o i love it when we get there for the first day or two, THEN THE MIND STARTS WORKING OVER TIME AND STRESSING ABOUT THE TRIP HOME, the weather is to die for in feb it is so cold where i live in feb. Palm trees, hot tubing , swimming , shopping , awesome banquets, bus tours , ect. I fill guilty because my hubby needs to go on this trip for continuing ed. and he doesnt want to go alone i have been going on this trip every yr for about 25 yrs, each yr it gets harder and harder last yr was my undoing it was the worst ever !!! :shock: Iam on session 7 AND I ALMOST FILL LIKE I COULD HANDEL THE TRIP BUT IAM PRETTY FEARFUL.... I THINK IT IS AWESOME THAT YOU ARE FACING YOUR FEAR !! :D PLEASE UP DATE ON HOW YOUR TRIP GOES! i faced one of my fears a few months back we live about 3 hours from a large city which i avoid going at all cost , but i was so proud of myself i did it! and it wasnt to bad, i listened to my relax cd read my work book, and did more self talk than i ever have done in my life and it really helped a lot !! iam doing pretty darn good with the program its helped me so much!! :mrgreen: GOOD LUCK ! :D

Posts: 31
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Re: Facing a Fear

Post by panicfree » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:21 pm

Ladybug, I enjoyed your post so much and found it helpful! :) We leave tomorrow and I am feeling a little anxious but I can do this! I'm pretty sure it's from my anxious feelings but I'm not letting it get a hold of me! Thank you so much for offering your words of encouragement and I will write on it soon! Thank you :D

Posts: 66
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Re: Facing a Fear

Post by ladybug_101 » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:24 am

:D Thanks for posting panic free i cant wait to see how your trip went and please any tips that helped you pass it on :D !!

Posts: 31
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Re: Facing a Fear

Post by panicfree » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:05 pm

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I went on the trip and preformed greatly in my competition! Anyone can conquer their fears! :D I found it helpful to focus on the natural settings around me and to appreciate the beauty that was round me! :) This was a great step in recovery for me and if anyone is still struggling with leaving on long trips, it is best to get outside your comfort zone and just do it! :D

Posts: 66
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Re: Facing a Fear

Post by ladybug_101 » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:22 am

:D how awsome for you panic free way to go !!! i am so glad you were able to enjoy your trip !! i will have to try and focus on the beauty that surrounds us , but thats one of my problems i dont do anything but concentrate on the road and the traffic and anything that may b going on in the vehical !!! :o i always fill like i have to watch the road too i know its crazy iam such a back seat driver.... all though i have really gotten better about that , but i think it is the fear of the feelings and thoughts i get when going on a trip rather than the trip its self i do so hate the fear!!

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Re: Facing a Fear

Post by Iwillbebetter » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:15 am

PanicFree - CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's awesome you did it!! And it sounds like you did great!!! I like how you used "the beauty" around you. So not only did you do it but it sounds like it was even a bit enjoyable!! What a accomplishment!!
"Only rainbows after rain, the sun will always come again, and it's a cirlce, circling around again it comes around again...."

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