Share your most successful coping strategies

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by Loveslife » Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:19 pm

I'm in a bad place, after trying to tackle a huge, daunting emotional project.
1. I will shower
2. I will eat
3. I will drive to needlepoint store to learn a new stitch for the pillow that I'm making
4. I will take my dog with me.

Best I can do. It's either that or over medicate, which, sadly, I did yesterday.

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by Loveslife » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:01 pm

Ok. Check, check and check. I've completed my tasks, but the residual of my overdose is still in me. I'm going to go to sleep..
I did not see this relapse coming. I was not prepared for this. I'm sure my doctor is furious at me for canceling today. I'm so sleepy...

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:55 pm

Hi LL--I still need to take a bath, but I did eat. Now I need to rest as well.

I hope you are feeling better tomorrow...and I'm glad you were able to check off your list! Good for you...take care. Pailsee :)

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by AshleyZ » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:19 pm

Thanks pailsee (sorry spelled wrong) that's what I've found lately, that when I try to attack them or even say I'll be ok I get more anxious cuz I'm trying. It's encouraging to hear it gets better, sometimes I can't manage the anxiety that does come when I try though so I just settle for anxiety cuz it's so tiring and get stuck in that cycle.

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by AshleyZ » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:20 pm

Like a cycle of fear about trying

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by John61 » Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:31 pm

Lately what I've found that works for me is not just "floating" with it but actually saying "Is that all you got?" to the fear and really fealing it. It's almost like falling backwards into a swimming pool, you just have to let yourself go and not fight the fear. For me it really takes the sting out of it.

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by Paisleegreen » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:07 pm

I have fear of trying...I think it is the brain processing the task I must do and it is scary. But it depends on the task.
My fear is clearing out my closet or clearing off a cluttered area, because I don't know what to do with the items! Then a vicious cycle begins. The thinking process of what must I do to find a place for the stuff. It hurts my brings on much pain. I have to let go of something, or make changes.

This brings on frustration about family members and their stuff and their habits. Also, the control they have taken away from me.
I guess this isn't coping strategies, this is the stress or anxiety that I feel when I have to conquer my fears. Paislee :mrgreen:

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by egriff » Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:03 pm

[quote="AshleyZ"]Hey there,

I have a question. WHen you first began to counter your thoughts or knew that was the step you needed to do but hadn't done it before, did you panic about even countering them? [quote]

I had this problem at first but eventually used it to my advantage by countering the anxiety provoking thoughts the TEA forms initially caused me. It was frustrating for sure but once I got over the hump and looked back I think it actually helped me long term even more as sometimes getting the thoughts that cause the problem down on paper is the hardest part when you are starting on the TEA forms.

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by AshleyZ » Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:17 pm

Thanks so much that answer was very helpful. A lot of ppl tell me I need to start taking those thoughts captive, identify exactly what they are, and then tell myself the different. But what I found is I'd try to sit and think about what was going on in my head and it'd make me panic even more. I'd do it anyway and try to combat them but then in trying to replace them with positive its like I get afraid of the feelings I'm having and panic about attacking them instead. I'd be more mindful of my feelings of fear and that would scare me more than feeling strength in combatting them. So I'd feel stuck there and defeated before getting very far into that. I felt discouraged because I heard how so many others just did it and felt alone in that. I didnt know If the heightened fear when starting to combat it was normal or not but it's Definetly something I deal with it.

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Re: Share your most successful coping strategies

Post by Loveslife » Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:51 pm

Hi Ashley,
I wonder, do you think that if you were to write down the thoughts going through your head, it might help identify what is triggering your anxiety? I think if you actually share what you are thinking, no matter if it seems trivial or huge, we can help you work through it.
I've created a " dear diary" thread, for just this purpose. It's how I cope.
Please feel free to use that thread, or share here. It might help.

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