Help came to me in the most unexpected way!

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Help came to me in the most unexpected way!

Post by kellygirl51 » Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:58 pm

Hi, my name is Kelly and just recently I had reached what I truly thought was the end of my endurance in trying to get through life carrying this terrible anxiety, guilt and depression. I work 3 weeks out of the month at a remote fly in only community in the north. I am a Public Health nurse trying to keep 4,000 people up to date on their immunizations and believe me when I say this feels like I'm pushing boulders up a hill. I have taken this all on my shoulders and feel horribly to blame when we have an outbreak of one sort or another. Recently I have been experiencing severe insomnia and paranoia. Last week I literally went 4 nights and 5 days without one minute of sleep. The side effects of this is debilitating and very scary. Being a medical professional I was too emberrassed to let my fellow colleagues know what I was suffering with. I finally called my boss and told him I had to fly back down south immediately and left on the next flight without regard for my job or if I will even have a job now. When my very worried husband met me at the airport we went and had my blood pressure checked. It was 193/133 which is extremely high. I knew a change in my way of thinking was the only way to save my life. The night before I left I got down on my knees and begged God or the universe for help. I asked for strength and wisdom to change. Then I saw in infomercial for this course. I knew of this course because 19 years ago my school counsellor used it to help me overcome severe panic attacks. I have never had a full blown attack since. I prayed we could come up with the money to order it. My husband woke me up after I finally slept literally around the clock with a big white box he said his mom had found at the bottom of a laundry basket we had kept ironing in. I hadn't touched that basket in over 3 years. The box was the full Attacking Anxiety course which i had apparently ordered 3 years before and never opened. I was in the middle of a very bad depression and guess I was in such bad shape I tucked it away and forgot about it. I now think I have received some sort of divine intervention and cannot believe my luck!! I don't know how to explain it other than that I was provided with exactly what I needed at my most dark hour. This course worked like magic for my panic attacks because I put the work in at the time and I now have every intention of it doing so again for my depression and anxiety. Thank you so much for this program and thank you to whatever cause my "lost" box to be found. I am overwhelmed with good fortune!
Sincerely....Kelly G, Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada

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Re: Help came to me in the most unexpected way!

Post by Paisleegreen » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:11 pm

Hi Kellygirl54! Wow! :D Definitely a blessing from Heaven, your prayers were answered. Just like for me, my sister didn't use her CDs/Program when she ordered them a few years back and I was blessed to have her send me her CDs minus 2 of them. I was so grateful to have them, I offered to buy them from her and she just wanted me to borrow so that we can communicate with eachother. Anyway, she is still suffering, but has the workbook and Panic to Power and some other Anxiety workbook that I happened to pick up along with Panic to Power. So my sister was amazed that I had the same Anxiety Workbook when I last visited her a couple weeks ago. Pretty much on a Public Health Nurse mission, which caused me a lot of stress and sadness.

But I'm so glad that you got some help, that blood pressure reading is quite scary as mine got as high as 160/100 after I delivered my first child and the Drs and Nurses got me into ICU right away and on Phenolbarbitol. I had a fever of 103 as well.
So you were very good to fly home right away!

I'm glad to meet you! :) Paislee :mrgreen:

Kathie C.
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Re: Help came to me in the most unexpected way!

Post by Kathie C. » Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:26 pm

God has truly blessed you both and will continue to do so, if you (and I) continue to have faith. He uses us and programs like this and the people behind it. We all have an important purpose here, even when we fell alone and useless (which is a temptation to self-pity that I fight often, but I keep programming my brain by repeating positive phrases and Scriptures). "For God hath not give us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord...(Timothy 1:7-8) We are all in this together!
Much love,

Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:20 pm

Re: Help came to me in the most unexpected way!

Post by kellygirl51 » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:54 pm

Thank you for your replies. It is so helpful to know I'm not alone and can get some advice from people who are using this amazing process and healing. My MD just put me on 2 weeks stress leave and therefore I'm not sure if I will have a job to back to as I work as a Public Health Nurse on a nothern first nations reservation. (very isolated and only reachable by plane).MY worry is that I may have reached out for help too late to save my job which i love as I have had to take many sick days when I couldn't bring myself to leave my house up north. I live there 3 weeks of the month and am home with ny husband for 1 week. All I can do now is work on myself to be able to help others at work more effectively. I look forward to the challenge.
:D ...Kelly

Posts: 257
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 8:19 pm

Re: Help came to me in the most unexpected way!

Post by deedee00 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:50 pm

That was God! Thank him!

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