Fear of taking an antibiotic...

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Post by Gingerbell » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:38 pm

I just went to the doctor today to get an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection... and I'm scared to take it. I took the first dose (I'm supposed to take it twice a day for 7 days), but it took me about half an hour. I cut it into pieces and swallowed each piece with like a 5-10 minute break before the next piece.

It's frustrating because I've never been like this-- it's like I know it's a ridiculous "phobia" of the antibiotic but I can't help but feel lightheaded, dizzy, and feel strange bodily sensations after taking it or even when I'm just thinking about taking it.

I have a lot of prescription drug allergies, which probably contributes to my anxiety and over-reacting of taking this particular antibiotic. Apparently I've taken it before with no problem- about a year ago, so you would think that would make me feel better about it. And it kind of does... then I'm reminded of when I found out I was allergic to the antibiotic Ciproflaxicin... I was on it for 5 days before I had the reaction.

But even that reaction was mild hives, which went away in a day or two! I feel so stupid for feeling overly anxious and nervous about something that seems so simple to others. How do I relax about the medicine? Or relax about myself, I guess, and not worry about how silly I seem to others by staring at a pill for 20 minutes before taking it? I need to take the second dose for the day, but I just stared at my abdomen for 10 minutes, absolutely positive that I can see hives and red spots- when I know someone else would say I'm nuts!

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Post by Zoe_M » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:44 pm

Im sorry your feeling so scared. I hate taking meds too. I have never had a reaction to anything, but I always have the fear that I will. I always have the anxiety symptoms after I take something and I sit there and wonder if its the pill or just anxiety. I know how you feel! If you have taken it before Im sure you will be fine!!!

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Post by Conner » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:40 pm

Last edited by Conner on Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When you want Truth as much as you want that first breath of air while drowning - that is when you will find it.


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:01 am

Interesting that I stumbled upon this post. I have been on antibiotic for 6 days now for a bladder infection as well. I have also taken this medication twice in the past year and a half, but am afraid of any side effects. The weird thing is that I used to have no problem taking medication. Never really thought twice about it. Until I had to take Immodium and it made me feel really loopy and spacey. Then last year my Dr. put me on Celexa and on the third day I had an enormous panic attack. Come to find it was a normal reaction to my body adjusting to the medication, but it was very scary!! Needless to say I stopped taking it, but now every time, literally every time I am prescribed something I start the whole "what if" roller coaster. And what am i getting out of it besides driving myself silly with worry? I wish I could give you some better advice, but I can't as I am still trying to conquer this issue. Hope it helps to know that you're not alone.


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:06 am

Ginger...I feel that way too. My wife had to block me in the bathroom this past Thursday so i would take my first dose fo Lexapro. She would not let me out untill I took it. After I took it i started sweating, panic, felt out of it. I just knew it was the medicine and some horrible reaction to it. Finally I calmed down. The next day I took it with minimal problems. Now I 'm to the point I want to take it b/c I know it is helping me. Weird huh? Our anxious minds can make symptoms and side effects feel so real. Hang in there it will get easier for you. Trust me if I can take a medicine anyone can.


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:19 am

Count me in! I'm terrified of taking anything. I was in the ER almost 2 weeks ago because of a panic attack. I've recently been diagnosed with chronic Lyme Disease (had it for 12 years now, panic attacks is one of my symptoms) and now I have more fears about dying from this.

But I'm afraid to start the antibiotics. I'm terrified of having a reaction. I never have had a reaction before. I used to be a NICU nurse, I gave tiny 1.5 lb babies antibiotics, I never saw one that had a reaction.

At this late stage though, I've read of many chronic lyme patients that aren't helped with the antibiotics, so I'm not sure I even want to go that route, but with this fear, I'm not sure I even have a choice to try!

Hang in there, I know how disabling this fear can be!!

Take care,

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Post by pinkeetoz » Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:35 am

omg that same thing happen to me is ok take it and dont read the side effect .i read all the side effects and i started my anxiety cycle because of that the doc gave me cypro i wen i read the effect i felt each one of them it tooke me forever to take it dont be scare is normal we have anxiety the antibiotic is not going to harm you just take it dont think about it..

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Post by hopehound » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:50 am

Thanks for all the replies!
As an update, I actually stopped taking the medication- because I was getting very nauseous because of it. It was tough to discern what reactions I was having because of anxiety about the antibiotic (feeling spacey, nervous, heart racing), vs. what were the actual side effects of the medicine- nausea and dizziness.

I ended up calling my pharmacy and getting a list of the antibiotics I took about a year ago, and this was one of them, and I remember being nauseous after taking it then too. So I think it will help me in the future to keep a list of all the medicines I have taken and what my reactions were- so if I take the same one again in the future, I can minimize that "what if" effect in my head.

Not to say that I've conquered the fear, of course... my doctor called in a new antibiotic to replace the one that made me nauseous, and I haven't even gone to pick it up. I'm trying to just drink lots of cranberry juice to get rid of the UTI... it's hard for me to justify getting a new antibiotic when I'm still nauseous from the first one, which I know isn't the best of reasoning... Of course, I looked online at a few sites where people post their ratings and reviews of prescription drugs and lots of people had reactions that convinced me never to take an antibiotic again. :)

I guess it's all about balance-- about knowing what is your mind over-reacting, what is positive education about a drug vs. over-reading into the side effects and horror stories, and about what is anxiety and what is actually a side effect... I feel like I used to have that balance, but something in me has turned it off or something.


Post by Guest » Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:11 am

I am with you on this fear of meds. I just started paxil this morning. I cried and worried and am still worring. I hate taking anything. It seeems to be such a chore and my husband dont understand.(he will take anything and not think a thing about it. I wish i could help you with some wonderful words but i cant. What i can do is say you are not alone. take care and thank you for posting or I would of still thought i was alone in this battle. thanks again

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