waking up nervous

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Post by wayneg » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:21 am

does anypne have the symptom of waking up nervous or scared ? i do i sometimes wake in a cold sweat if any one knows how to over come this please let me in on it it has been going on wayto long . much thanks wayne


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:01 pm

I do also, but don't really have a solution for you. I hope someone can give you help or suggestions for that. Good luck!

Dana Gann
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Post by Dana Gann » Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:10 pm

See the post above entitled Mornings are Worse. I too have morning anxiety and have been searching for an answer and that post helped.

Jade Marie
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Post by Jade Marie » Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:17 pm

when i used to have panic attacks and anxety i used to be like that.but,i would use my relaxitation tape and also do the breathing excerise as well.find out what makes you scared and change your thought process.tell yourself that you are safe and that you will be ok.is anything else bothering you that will make you scared when you wake up.
write a journal and keep count of the times when you used to wake up scared and when you did not.let me know how you are doing.know that you can over come this and anything else with the skills and tools that the program gives you.
be blessed.


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:54 pm

Hello Wayne,

I woke up yesterday about 5am shaking with fear out of nowhere...It sucks and it lasted all day.
Even after taking my Buspirone(for my daytime anxiety) it still didn't help. However, I stayed in thouch with a few friends during the day as I could not get myself out of my "safe chair." I then decided to join this forum yesterday and the people here are really supportive. More so as there seems to be a kinship of understanding. I know how hard it can be to get yourself calmed down and somedays for me it still seems impossible. I try to remember to breathe and that it's just adrenaline working overtime. Remember that it will stop and you will get some sleep. I made it through work last night and I slept through the night. I didn't think I could, but the fact that I did and had a pretty good day today, is at least a step. Now for tomorrow! Keep thinking positive thoughts to distract the negative ones! You can do it:)) I hope you have a better day!

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Post by Zoe_M » Thu Sep 18, 2008 4:44 pm

Hi wayne,
I also suffer from morning nervousness when my anxiety disorder is active. A therapist told me that one of the reasons this happens is because all of the defenses you built up the day before are down and it takes a while to build them back up again. So it really is important to use your breathing, tapes, self-talk, exercise or whatever makes you feel better. This works also for night time anxiety. Sometimes I would notice an increase right before bed, mainly because I was dreading my morning anxiety. One of the ways I knew I was getting better was when I started getting up feeling relaxed and ready to start my day without having to build myself up to break through the anxiety. Please know that this is only temporary and soon you will feel like your old self. My prayers for a successful, but hopefully speedy journey through this tough time, our with you.
Take care,


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:26 pm

I have it too. The way I deal with it is to get up and not stay in bed letting the anxiety get worse. Getting up and having a glass of water. Then I do my breathing and self talk. By the time I'm leaving I am feeling alot better. I still get it most days. But it passes once I face my day.

Barb G.
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Post by Barb G. » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:02 pm

Hi!! I just sitt here and feel exactly the same way you do in the mornings. It's so though to start the day like this I just feel I want to stay in bed but I forced myself to go up and I try to think positive but it's not easy when the body is nervous and I have heartrace. I have take antideppressive pills for two weeks now and yesterday I get the first lesson from Lucinda Basset on the computer. I wonder if the programme helps to feel better? Thank you for all good advice and it's great to know that there is somone understanding how you feel.


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:06 pm

I definitely have night time anxiety. That's why I'm still awake right now. I have tried lots of different sleep meds but with lil or no relief past night one. i have been dealing with it most of my life and not found much to be very helpful. Also the more depressed i am the worse it is.

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Post by Prv31Mom » Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:23 pm

Hello!! There must be something to help with the anxiety in the night and the morning we can't just except it and let it keep going on. I wan't to feel calm and sleep well at the night. A question to E. Carlsson what kinds of methods have you been practiced? Have you tried Lucinda Bassets programme? Now I'm gonna exercise so hopefully I sleep well next night.
Have a wonderful day :) Moa.

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