This will make you feel better~!!

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Post by LaceyM » Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:58 pm

I cannot begin to explain how much excercise helps me. I just wanted to share this with y'all because it works so well. I feel about a million times better when I work out. I sleep better, my legs feel more relaxed, my mind settles down and hey, I look better. I'm not talking about much. Sometimes I just walk up and down the street with my dog. I am totally out of shape but it still makes me feel so good!
On one of my really bad "spells" my body felt so depressed. It felt like I had weights on my arms and legs and I just felt like dying on the couch. I knew it was anxiety so I decided to try working out. I couldn't do very much b/c my body felt so fatigued so I did a little on the treadmill.. about 30 seconds... and then I stretched for about a minute, then I worked out a little bit and stretched. I continued this for awhile and guess what... I felt much better! I felt like myself again the next day and I have learned when I am feeling bad to just go for a walk or run. You don't have to do much but do something! It REALLY helps!!!
and i promise you wont have a heart attack :) so don't be scared. i used to get really freaked out when my heart would beat fast so i wouldn't work out. now i just tell myself that my heart is used to that because of panic attacks and now i feel like i have a really strong heart and it feels good when its beating fast during a workout. im sure most of you have had EKGs and everything looks awesome anyways.

Ivyheart <><
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Post by Ivyheart <>< » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:33 pm

Very encouraging, I know that I need to just get up and exercise!! Thanks for the boost!!

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Post by kathykat » Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:58 pm

I want to add my encouragement for fellow suffers to get up and move and breath deeply. As someone wrote, even 30 seconds will help. Going outside for a walk really interuppts my unhealthy thinking, as well as gives me the benefits of movement. It really works. Let's keep trying.

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Post by Dalma » Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:24 am

I can relate to that. I used to get really scared of working out due to my fatigue I thought I was going to be able to breathe. Well, started doing low impact aerobics for 20 mins little by little and know I do about 30 mins...every other day.. Yes it helps a lot, and I'm stil breathing, my symptoms are less bothersome but even though some of them are still there, it feels much better and with time my symptoms will fade.

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Post by sunbound » Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:18 am

What a great testimonial, Lacey! I need to remember that when I'm having my low moments. I think I have to do a 1/2 hour or nothing, but it's good to know that even 30 seconds or minutes or just stretching helps!

I have been walking almost every day during the week and it has made a huge difference!

Keeping the Faith
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Post by Keeping the Faith » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:12 am

I've been walking on my two 15 min breaks at work and then trying to do at least 1/2 hour of something (aerobics, yoga, stationary bike) at home and it DOES help.

The walking is helping me get over my vertigo/lightheadedness. I make sure I completely relax my arms and shoulders when I walk and by the time I get back to my desk, I feel great!

Anything helps!

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