I'm Scared

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Post by JudyA » Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:23 am

Hi, I'm having anxiety and don't know where to begin? What medication do I take? I'm so tired! Judy

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Post by justplainscared » Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:38 am

Medication should be researched really thoroughly with the help of a trusted doctor before you start taking them. Just because a particular med works for one person it may not work for you. If you haven't ordered this program my best advice is do it today. I know it may seem expensive but it is worth every single cent. Also log into the chat room. There is a whole community of people who have the same issues and fears you have. It provides a tremendous amount of comfort knowing your not alone. Lastly, empower yourself with knowledge. Go to your local bookstore or library and find books about anxiety. The more you learn about this disorder the less frightening it may seem. Good luck. I hope this helped.
Be well

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Post by HeatherRDJ » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:11 am

I still take xanax on occasion but it doesn't make the anxiety go away, just makes really bad situation liveable. I've found not being on medication makes thing better, my brain seems less fuzzy. I think excercise and nutrition are alot of the answers to most of these problems. I've not been as good as I should be on these but am working on it. Ordering the program is also a good investment.

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Post by bevhembree » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:34 am

Lucinda's book, From Panic to Power, is really good. I am on medication, but would like not to be. I'd rather gain control of the situation or at least learn to cope with my own strength, and I have made great strides. You will too!
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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Post by Flyer99 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:39 pm

Judy, may I also suggest going to the site below. There wou will find all the audio books of the late Dr. Claire Weekes to listen to or to download. Dr. Weekes is one of the world's preeminent authors on anxiety. there are also other wonderful things on there to listen to. I also agree that StressCenter's program is awesome. here is the link and good luck! Rob.

<A HREF="http://www.controllinganxiety.com/dsp_downloads.php" TARGET=_blank>http://www.controllinganxiety.com/dsp_downloads.php</A>

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Post by Belinda333 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:53 pm


I understand the feelings you are having. I too have been in that place. What you first need to do is educate yourself on anxiety. The first thing I did was buy "Panic to Power." I have read it numerous times because every time I read it, I get something else out of it. It is like my bible to me...lol. I have also found exercising to help decrease the anxiety and proper nutrition. Get a video on yoga and try that....awesome! Even the relaxation tape in the program will help a whole bunch. These are just a few things that has helped me that you could try. The other is make sure you have a good doctor..take meds if needed...and do this program! Mark my words, you will not be disappointed!
Good luck and God Bless! ;)

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Post by shannen1234 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:16 pm

I think the program is a real good idea to buy. It is cheaper than a years worth of doctor, psyc, and medication. Plus you are actually taught skills that will help you deal with future and current situations. The others don't really help except the meds if they are the right ones but it can be hard and take years to find which one works for you. Mainly its the skills learned to talk yourself out of depression and anxiety that help the most.

Panic Attack Lance
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Post by Panic Attack Lance » Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:48 pm

Hey Judy
I'm new here myself and just signed up for the program tonight. I can't give you any advise yet but I did read from panic to power and it did open up my mind to what is anxiety, I never thought I would have anything like this. I'm new but you are not alone. I agree with what shannen1234 said. I hope you find your way.

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Post by fischee » Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:00 pm

Hi Judy!
I agree with all the advice everyone has given you. It certainly helps to know that you're not in this alone, all of us have (or are) been there... and it does get better.

I've only had this program since Jan. and already feel like my "pre-anxiety" self. I'm certainly not saying it's been gumdrops and lollipops all the way; it's a daily struggle- at least at first. And, no, I have not fully completed the program or even completed it "correctly" (but I have reaped benefits!).

Like Rob, (hey, thanks for this site- never seen it before!) I've also supplemented this program with other odds and ends I've come across. One is <A HREF="http://www.thinkrightnow.com" TARGET=_blank>www.thinkrightnow.com</A> and the other is <A HREF="http://www.lindenmethod.com" TARGET=_blank>www.lindenmethod.com</A>. The first is quite inexpensive but maybe not what you'd want to START with (basically repetitive affirmations- no subliminal messages). The linden method is similar to this program, but frankly, less $, though more aggressive and less comprehensive (it does include a full year guarantee and personal counseling).

Bottom line, it's all about YOUR OWN preference. What works for some isn't necessarily right for all. Just know we're all here for you.
Be good to yourself- my prayers are with you,

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