Sleep Affirmations

Comments and inquiries to share with others. (Questions for Staff can be posted below.)
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Post by fischee » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:28 am

Thanks, Jim- this is an interesting nd helpful site.

Peace 1
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:02 pm

Post by Peace 1 » Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:24 am

Thank you Jim for posting this! This is very helpful to me also!

Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:39 pm

Post by EileenV » Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:28 am

Hi Monica,

Check out I use the "Healthful Sleep" guided imagery cd by Belleruth Naparstek. It is excellent and works perfectly.

Eileen :)

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Post by tweaky1h » Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:18 am

Thank you fellow insomniacs! I knew the key to this was accepting it but that's easy to say at 4:15 p.m. Not so much at 12:30 a.m., which is what time I woke up today. :eek:

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Post by ginal » Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:25 am

Hi There,
I just started the program last night and cant wait to see how it helps with my anxiety and Insomnia.. That was the main reason for ordering this program. It is very comforting to know there is a support system I can lean on when I have doubts and fears.

I really appreciated all the feedback on the insomnia since I have been battling this for the past 3 years and can relate to almost all details and treatments many of you listed.. Like you I found nothing really work, long term anyway. The Relaxation CD helped me fall asleep last night but I still found myself awake at 3:30am... Practice makes perfect so I am going to give this my all and try again.

I am going to follow the program l CD at a time but is there any section that might be more helpful than others??

Dazed and confused... :?

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Post by lael » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:52 am

So I have been sleeping pretty good since last thursday with some supplements and such but last night was BAD bad! i didn ot sleep till 4am i got up at 6 and had a MAJOR panic attack from 6-7. i had some distractions last night so i am hoping that that is the reason for the lack of sleep just being all hyped up and such. But i have tried it all (except prescription meds, i don't have insurance so thats not possiable) I hate that way i feel after not sleeping! HATE IT! I hate having to distract myself from my thoughts in order to sleep! HATE IT! nObody gets it! NOBODY! its not so much the not sleeping as it is the anxity i just want my mind to REST! I am sure that we all can identify with thsi feeling. I am glad that i am not alone in this. SUCKS for all of us but at least we know that other people are going with out much sleep and "surviving"

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Post by allie76 » Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:28 pm

Just started having insomnia about a month or two ago. Before that I have never really had a problem falling asleep. I would normally be asleep before everybody else and sleep beautifully. So when this started I was thrown for a loop. But I can see where I was the one who started it. Everytime I would try to get to bed I worry about getting to sleep then I would worry about other things and imagine what was going to happen to me if I couldn't get to sleep. I made myself depressed. Thing is I didn't need to go through all of that I could have ended it in the beginning just by relaxing and deverting my attention to something else more positive. What I imagined would happen to me if I didn't get to sleep, didn't happen. It wasn't as bad as I thought I ended up going to counsiling, and my doctor. Everybody was so supportive through it. I was embarrased that I had scared myself into losing sleep.
I've been writting in my journal, putting things that help me to feel better about sleeping. Keeping my mind off of the fear of sleeping by thinking of things I'm going to do the next day or positive fun things like Halloween. Positive thoughts made me feel better and not so gross. I tried the sleep hygien techniques, but my bedroom used to be a lively place. I would watch TV with my kids before bed, my kids would sleep with me sometimes. I noticed secluding myself made it worse and made me feel more detached from my family. So I didn't do it. I'm now trying to just do what I normally do before I sleep,and devert my attention when I'm falling asleep. When I wake up through out the night I try to just keep my eyes closed relax and tell myself that I will fall back asleep. My new rule is don't look at the clock!! I noticed frustration makes me stay awake too. If I don't know what time it is then I won't get frustrated that it's 2 or 3 in the A.M. Hope this helps and that I didn't babble on and on.

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