just starting

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Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:45 am

Post by dfield » Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:24 pm

Hi, i am just starting the program and i have migrain headache. I have not had them for awhile but when i do i get vision changes and it scares me. Now when ever i go any place i think that i will have one. Which i think feeds into me having a panic attack. Does it get better being in the program.


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:40 am

Hi Dfield:

I am sorry to hear you are suffering from miagraines.. they suck, check out the post labelled miagraines for additonal information.

As for the program I am on session 4 (had it since nov 07) but taking my sweet time and mastering it all. I suggest reading from Panic to Power as it has help me a great deal also.
I have mild ocd, perfectionism and depression. The program has done very well for me so far and I can tell you the anxiety and panic, fear and uneasiness your feeling can completely be managed to the point of none existant.

The program helps first identify your symptoms, and explains them well. Then it helps modify your negative thinking which is the core of the program. It teaches you, you control your thoughts, the good and the bad. By understaning what you have you will be half way there.. I promise you if you work hard as hard as you possibly ever have you'll be amazed of the rewards!

Good luck and take care! keep in touch!


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:09 am

thank you for your post that does help


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:34 am

Hi, DField--

I don't have migraines, though I do have TMJ, so I may not know exactly what you are going through. Still, I have had anxiety most of my life, so I can completely sympathize with you about this.

So far, I am on Session 8 of Lucinda's program, and I am thoroughly enjoying it and learning new coping skills. Also, I have read two books by an author that she recommends, Shad Helmstetter. The two books that I have read are: "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself", as well as his book "Self Talk Solutions." Both are excellent, and I have even purchased a new tape recorder/player so that I can make tapes that I can use to improve my internal self-talk. In fact, I will be picking up two self-talk tapes of his from the library to listen to in order to get more concrete ideas about how to structure the tapes.

Other books that I might recommend are: books by Chogyam Trungpa (Buddhist philosophy), "The Power of Now" and a book that I'm reading at the moment called "Conquer Shyness" by Frank J. Bruno since I also suffer from slight social anxiety.

Hope this helps :-)


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:44 am

congratulations on starting the program. what a great way to start 2008.

i don't post on here too too often; but welcome to the family. even if some of us are like distant cousins sometimes.

about your question. the program will most likely help with your migraines.

migraines, i believe (i've suffered from a bunch) are often related to stress in on way or the other. so when i got bettere with the program i reduced the stress in my body, and by headaches were much less frequent.

also i got help from a chiropractor and massage therapist. they helped me understand how alignment/muscle tightness was related to the headaches (but I probably wouldn't have had the guts to keep those appointments if i wasn't "working" the program).

feel better soon!


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:48 pm

Ive had migrane headaches since i was 5yrs old. They are basically hereitary.. I also get the aura or vision changes.
I had more when i was younger, before menapause. Mostly before my period , or if i was under alot of stress.
Please dont let them scare you, talk to your doctor about them, they have many new preventatives on the market now... Welcome to the site by the way!!! Nelly


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:27 pm

Thank you all for your post it does help to see others that are going though this also for a long time i just thought i was crazy.


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:39 pm

Anxiety cause many symptoms. Believe in yourself! We all will get better together.


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:40 am

I'm going to say ditto to what Nelly said, I inherited my migraines from my mom, and same as Nelly I don't get them as often now that I’m older. Over time I had learned to pretty much control them with massage (Maeggie also suggested above) and meditation (anyone remember biofeedback from the 80's?). I could tell when I was on the edge of getting one, be it from stress or lack of sleep, and would have to force myself to take a break or I knew I would get slammed. I learned also that I was sensitive to barometric changes and have several food triggers. What helped me was keeping a daily log of when I would get one, even a borderline one. I’d log how much sleep I’d had, was I stressed, had I eaten anything and if so what? Did I drink too much recently? (I can’t do champagne at all but I can have a glass of red wine – go figure). What was the weather doing? (Mine is when the pressure is dropping and when the humidity is high)
Migraines can be scary, not knowing when or where one might hit, but they don’t have to control you. I think the program will be wonderful in helping you control your fear of them. Keeping up with the mediation will probably help a lot. I don’t know much caffeine you drink, but I know for me I’m very sensitive to it. I didn’t drink that much but now that I’ve cut it out completely, I can really tell a difference. Before this program I really believed caffeine was helping me!
Be gentle with yourself. We can’t control those things we inherit, but we can get a handle on how much control they have on our lives!


Post by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:42 am

OPPS! It was MC Grace that suggested massage - sorry Grace!

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