Health Anxiety Victory and Advice

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Charlie Brown
Posts: 442
Joined: Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:56 pm

Post by Charlie Brown » Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:28 pm

I wanted share a health anxiety victory. Earlier this month I finally learned once and for all my heart is healthy. I am sharing this now because I just shared it with my wife Saturday night. Everything had happened at the start of December but I did not tell her because she suffers from anxiety and had been going through health crises with her uncle and grandfather. I did not want to add to it and initially wasn’t planning on telling her. But Saturday when I was emailing a friend on how well this year has been for me health-wise and I related the incidents from earlier this month, I felt the need to tell my wife. And now I tell you.

One of my health anxieties is chest pains and getting a heart attack. I am 42. My father got a heart attack when he was 77 and four months later died from complications stemming from the attack. Starting in 2005 I got myself a cardiologist and had a stress test and echocardiogram done. Both were normal. Last year I started getting more frequent chest tightness episodes which resulted in a few “cameo” appearances in the ER and another trip to the cardiologist. The ER tests—EKGS, heart monitoring, blood tests to see if enzymes were released (a definite sign of a heart attack), and chest X-rays—all were normal. In September 2006 the echocardiogram and wearing a heart monitor in a halter overnight were both normal.

In 2006 I was diagnosed as having costochondritis, which is inflammation of the chest muscles and cartilage; it can feel like a heart attack. I also have had panic and anxiety since 1999. A hallmark symptom of anxiety/panic is chest tightness. I also have asthma which also has chest tightness as a symptom. (I did not do a stress test last year because of asthma episodes.) So, the chest tightness could now be due to the costochondritis, anxiety/panic, asthma, or—as my worried mind dreadfully considered—a heart attack.

On December 6, several weeks ago, I got chest tightness while at work. The Xanax and Albuterol did not abate the tightness. I felt it getting worse. I told my boss a lie to get out of work to get to the nearby ER. (This is not the lie I spoke of earlier. That one was to my wife.) While getting out of the cab and entering the hospital, I phoned my cardiologist and asked to be seen tomorrow. The girl put me hold and came back on to say that not only did I have an appointment, it would be for a nuclear stress test. This was wonderful because a nuc stress test is the ultimate heart test and I had been refused by the insurance for an earlier request for one because I never went to the cardio for chest pains. Once again the ER heart monitoring, EKG, blood tests for enzymes and chest X-rays were all normal.

The next day I went for the nuclear stress test. I did it without any asthma incident; in fact I could have gone longer on the treadmill. The results: the cardiologist said my heart is the healthiest he’s seen in 2 years! Everything is normal! And this visit was free because of the test!

The lie I spoke of was that Friday night when my wife came home early unexpectedly. I had the whole day off from work because of the test and planned to meet her at our usual post-work spot. Normally she gets there by bus but this evening her brother was giving her a ride—earlier than usual. I told her I had gotten home early as a reward at work. When I confessed Saturday night she understood as she has lied like this to me in the past when she had a health test or issue and she didn’t want to worry me.

I advise to this to those who suffer with health anxiety: go to your physician and/or specialist, and have your ailment checked out. If the ailment is genuine, then work with the doctor in treating it. If the ailment turns out to be nothing, then deal with the anxiety surrounding the ailment. For me getting the nuclear stress test, the best cardiac test, and finding out my heart is absolutely fine, this caused to my anxiety and worries when getting a chest pain to disappear. If the doctor visit/test is normal and this does not reduce/eliminate your health anxiety, then concentrate on the anxiety. See a therapist or read up on health anxiety.

Here is a link about health anxiety and a book on it.

<A HREF=" ... _n16840900" TARGET=_blank> ... 6840900</A>

I would have bought this book if the anxiety didn’t get better. Here is an Amazon link for the book.

<A HREF=" ... 400&sr=1-1" TARGET=_blank> ... &sr=1-1</A>

This other book appeared on Amazon as a similar one to the prior one. Here is its link.

<A HREF=" ... gy_b_img_b" TARGET=_blank> ... b_img_b</A>

I wish you well and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:35 pm

Post by Dafarber » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:43 pm

Charlie Brown sounds like you are on a road to recovery that is great. What stress and anxiety does to us.
In Sept I was getting shortness of breath and tighting of my troat. Well I really felt drained from the tightness of the everything.
I ended up with acid reflux and because of that I have vocal cord dsyfunction. It mimics asthma alot but the asthma meds did not help me they more or less made me more edgy.
I had to go to a speech therapist she help me alot with breathing and with my not freaking out because I didn't know what was going on with me.
Well everyday I am feeling better but it is no fun to be sick yuck.
Good luck :O)

Posts: 61
Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:32 pm

Post by keithjoy » Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:20 am

The books mentioned by charlie brown have helped me immensely along with this program. They complement each other, but if your anxiety is your health they are perfect together. You are correct about believing your doctor/tests. They are the professionals. I really don't know how or when I developed "health anxiety", most likely it has been with me in varying degrees all of my life and really manifested itself due to other life stresses in August of '06. I knew I had to do something, not just get lost in it. There is hope and help out there. This past year I have learned a great many things about myself and just how strong I really am. Anxiety will not rule my life, yes I still get it, but the difference is I know how to get past it without a panic or anxiety attack.

Anyway, if anyone out there is still feeling health anxiety get the book that Charlie Brown suggested by Asmundson & Taylor, it is $12.00 and you will feel better.
Happy & Healthy New Year to all.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:11 am


I too have acid reflux. It's LPR--in the larynx :roll:. I also had to go to a speech therapist to ensure my swallowing was ok. I had a choking incident in a restuarant in Dec 05 thanks to a friend who was making me laugh and didn't know when to stop. Plus in late July-Aug 06 I was getting TERRIFYING choking episodes at night. It was from these nocturnal incidents that I was diagnosed with LPR.

The speech therapist made sure there was nothing wrong with the swallowing. Thank God there isn't. With the help of Protonix I haven't had any choking episodes since that horrible summer of 06.
freaking out because I didn't know what was going on with me.
Believe me, I know what you're saying.
Well everyday I am feeling better

Thank you for the good luck. :'>

it has been with me in varying degrees all of my life and really manifested itself due to other life stresses in August of '06.
I can relate. God bless Mom but she was a great teacher in "turning" a cold in the plague. From her, my health/getting sick was constantly on my mind. I have in the past worried about my health but only in terms of abscence from work. After 2006, I worried about this a little and more for the health issues themselves.
This past year I have learned a great many things about myself and just how strong I really am. Anxiety will not rule my life, yes I still get it, but the difference is I know how to get past it without a panic or anxiety attack.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:00 am

Thanks for posting this. I had the nuc stress test last feb, however I still worry about my heart almost daily. I am going to look for these books. I herd on the news a couple of weeks ago that xmas day and new years are the two most time that people have heart attacks well that is all I needed to hear to get me in a panic I thought for sure last night it was my heart and here I stil sit but still thinking it is my heart.

Charlie Brown,

Why do you say that the nuc test is the best test??/ Just wondering if I truley need to have no fear thanks also do you think since my test was almost a year ago I can still believe its not my heart

Thank you and happy new year


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:26 pm

Hey Vegasmomof4,

Happy New Year.

Did either one of your parents have cardio problems? What fueled my worries was my father dying aa a result of a heart attack and they say heart problems can be heriditary.

I would try and filter out the news as much as possible. Our health-anixety minds unfortunately will associate our situation with (usually) worse-cases scenarios, thereby inciting more anxiety. In our minds, we can never have nothing or something mild; it's always the worst. In 2006 I was going through asthma and anxiety episodes. In hindsight I am not sure that all of it was asthma as I believed at the time; now I think alot of it was anxiety or only partially asthma. I buy the newspaper mostly for the sports. One morning in 2006 there was a front page story of a child dying from asthma. THIS IS NOT WHAT I NEEDED TO READ AT THAT TIME BECAUSE THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I FEARED. So I filtered my reading the paper that morning: I did not read the front section of the paper. When I went on an asthma forum, I avoided the bad, near death stories.

I would think that the X-mas season (which would include New Year's) is usually a stressful time especially with buying things for the holiday. Stress, combined with a person who has factors for heart problems, could lead to a higher chance of getting a heart attack.
I thought for sure last night it was my heart and here I stil sit but still thinking it is my heart.
You're like me. Our minds are preoccupied with a major health issue so after reading/listening to something that is connected to the health issue, it is going to have that preoccupation play like a broken record.

My cardio said the nuclear stress test is the best. Because of the injected dye, the dr can see clearly all the workings of the heart. The nuc test gives graphic images of the inside of the heart, and thus can help the dr determine if there's truly a problem.

What did your cardio say in February? When do you have to come back? If he/she said to come back in a year and your insurance allows it, go for another one. I will next December. A current positive report should re-enforce your problem is anxiety and not cardio.

You're welcome. :)


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:09 pm

Since starting the program and reading post like yours, I have been controlling my worries about health issues. I think in 2007 I went to the dr 1-2x a month for every little thing, chest pain, leg cramps, foot pain, shortness of breath, IBS you name it, I went for it. I have had blood work done 3 x since May , ALL TESTS FINE. I just could not understand why I felt so crappy... I swore it was a Birth Control Pill I was taking, until I stopped at end of August and OMG did things get worse..........down hill spiral. Now week 10 of the program i feel like my old self , and even a little better . My mom is ill, so from time to time the stress of that can build up, but I am going to a therapist to help with that. I am glad you are well, and I wish you a happy and healthy 2008!

God Bless


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:19 pm

Hi Charlie Brown -

Thank you so much for posting this. I am only beginning to realize how much health anxiety I have. My mom died some years ago of a heart attack at age 50 (5 days before Christmas); I am now 44 and feel the anxiety creeping up. My blood pressure has been creeping up, too, and a doctor friend of mine is encouraging me to see a cardiologist. I am afraid to go, partly because I fear that my anxiety will drive my blood pressure even higher the day of the appointment! I hate the idea of possibly going on blood pressure meds as I am already on asthma meds and don't want any more medication!

In my heart I believe my health concerns are much more stress/anxiety (and even depression)-related than anything else, as I have a history with these things and I live a much healthier lifestyle than my mom did. Still, I know I need to go for all the reasons you and the others mentioned.
Your post and the ones that followed have given me some encouragement. It helps just to know I am not alone! And I will check out the books you recommended. Thanks again and glad to hear everything worked out so well for you! Happy New Year.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:36 pm

I have a major problem with health anxiety but I think I always have cancer. I never think of my heart! Isn't it interesting how we can all have a specific fear and other fears don't even come to mind. I wish I could conquer this fear of having cancer.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:50 pm


Congrats you are controlling your worries and you're feeling better than your old self :)! Thank you for the well-wishes.


Fear of heart attack because of a parent dying of one? Hi bp? Asthma? We're related! LOL :D

It is actually normal for the blood pressure to go up during a medical test/visit, especially one dealing with a major ailment/illness. And I don't just mean for us worriers. They told me that in my ER cameos. Eventually the pressure went down. My pressure before the nuc stress test was also high.

Believe me I know about having to take lots of meds. I take bp med, med for triglyercides, Singulair, Protonix (for the reflux) and Asmanex. I dream of going into my own business and joke with my wife with all the pills, that business should be a pharmacy :D.

I am sorry about your Mom. :(. That's way too young.

Thank YOU for the well wishes.

Isn't it interesting how we can all have a specific fear and other fears don't even come to mind.
It so true. I am in reverse from you. My mother died from cancer and other than when I went for a prostrate biopsy two months ago (dr felt a bump on the gland...PSA's were normal from recent blood test...did the biopsy to cover the bases...everything thank God is normal), cancer was never a fear.

Have you gone for tests to rule out cancer? Any idea what triggers this type of fear? Go for tests and once it is determined you don't have cancer, then work on the anxiety. ;)

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