Anxiety Rescue

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Kathryn Tristan
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:03 am

Post by Kathryn Tristan » Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:31 am

Anxiety is a teacher. If you learn its lesson, you can move on. I suffered from more than 30 years of anxiety (guess I'm a slow learner : ), that ran the gamut from never being able to fly to agoraphobia. I used Lucinda's wonderful program and this helped me enormously when other things did not. I have learned to tackle my fears from inside out. I've also learned that a big message of anxiety is that we need to get off our big A's (our emotional and thinking AUTO-pilot). By learning to focus on what we want and tackling some life issues in a more productive way, you can do anything, go anywhere and do so in peace. Keep working on yourselves.....I did and I passes FEAR 101 and so can you!


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:06 am

Thanks for inspiring us all! I am just begining the programme and am already feeling like I'm 're-wiring' myself from my previous negative dialogue!! It's amazing how the programme works!! :)


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:29 pm

Hey, Spunkeyladee.... I love your name. That shows me how you see yourself and that wonderful energy and drive will be what helps you most overcome your challenges. None of us has an easy route, but what we learn along the way helps us not only out of anxiety, but also into a life of great peace! I wrote about my journey in my book called "Anxiety Rescue" and I wanted everyone to know how I succeeded and that you need to persist, to be patient and do all that you can to help yourself. Ultimately your journey out of fear is one you make yourself, but you can be guided by many types of support and information. Hang in there, madame Spunk!!
Warmly, Kathryn


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:18 pm

That is great, i am David, 36 yearsold. I have had panic attacks since i was a child and i am ready to have some peace. I have been in the program about a week now and am doing much better. Sure is a good feeling knowing that i can over come this. Thanks for your words.


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:29 pm

I wish I had the surety that you all do. I've tried everything and I understand the thinking and how it can just destroy you. I'm waiting for my package in the mail. I haven't started yet, but have been reading all the different responses, so I'm looking forward to seeing if possibly this program is different than what I've tried before and it will work. I suffer from anxiety and I have a 2 and 4 year old and all I know is I need to get better because I'm desperate to enjoy my family and husband, (which, by the way, I have to sex drive.)

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