Grave's Disease

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Post by snow_chick » Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:06 pm

I am looking for anyone that has Grave's Disease and how you are coping with having it and panic? I was wondering if anyone was in the same boat with this.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:22 am

I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, but at times my thyroid sputters back to life. That is a royal pain because I take Armour Thyroid as a replacement/ So at times my thyroid levels are too high which causes those anxiety symptoms which to me are just annoying. I have learned how to balance my medication on my own (regardless of my MD telling me to continue taking it, HE is NOT the one getting anxious ;) !) I am supposed to take 60mg in the am and 60 mg in the pm. At times that is TOO much, so I cut my evening dose to 30mg or just skipped it altogether and that has helped me. It just depends how I feel. One MD said it was all in my head, the anxiety and that the meds do not need to be adjusted :?. TOO much thyroid hormone can cause anxiety and panic symptoms, at least that is what I have been reading in books written by doctors. Needless to say I will never recommend or visit his office again! Even when I cut the dose, it is not instant. It takes a day or so for the hormones to adjust, so I feel shakey, nervous, but I use the skills in the program. I know I will not get hurt by the way I feel, it is just hormonal and I know I will feel back to me again soon enough. It is positive, self soothing talk that gets me through until the meds settle.

My girlfriend has Graves.She is 49 years old. She says she gets anxious, panicy and gets angry easily if her med level is too low. Actually she feels like she gets into fits of rage. She takes meds for her Graves and like me needs to adjust her meds when needed, which is gauged by the way she feels. She just cuts the dose or adds to it.

There are MDs out there that do manage the diseases by not only blood tests, but symptoms. I have run into more that manage the disease by blood tests though. I given up on regular MD that are "specialists" in hormones and metabolism. I see a DO that is thorough but MOST important to me is that he actually listens to me, takes my symptoms seriously and works with me to manage it.

I wish you luck and hope you feel more even soon.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:06 pm

Thank you! I know what you mean about the meds. I take PTU. at times even though my numbers are normal I feel like I have days where my thyroid is out of control high. I have been reading a lot about diet, no endocrinologist I saw told me to modify my diet. It never occurred to me that it would have that much to do with my symptoms. I have been a vegetarian for six months now and have been avoiding iodine and salt. and actually for the past 6 weeks I have been able to come off the meds completely.....who knows...I have been able to do this before but I always relapse. I wish I could find a doctor that would manage my symptoms! wow, what a concept!


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:08 am

I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease 8 yrs ago. It's been alot of work to find an endocrinologist who will listen to me and how I'm feeling and treat me that way. He's awesome, I'm so lucky I found him! When I was diagnosed, I read everything I could get my hands on to educate myself. You have to be your own advocate. Find yourself a GREAT endo that will listen to you and treat you accordingly. I take synthroid and cytomel. I know when my levels are a bit high or low and then we adjust the meds accordingly. I have struggled with anxiety/panic when my levels were off, too. Now I know what it is and I don't let it bother me, I use my skills and knw that I just need to adjust my meds. You get the hang of it after 8 yrs. Since I had my thyroid "killed off" because I was HypERthyroid, I must take meds to live and function. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. I know it can be frustrating, but you can live with it and feel great at the same time. Wish you the best!

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