Anxiety and Depression program

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Post by Pleasant » Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:19 pm

Hello members,
I am writing to the members of this forum to let you know that this program by Lucinda Basset really works. I bought the program in 2001. I was watching tv saw the commercial and I was happy because I saw it when I was home by myself and feeling very anxious. This program not only help me with my anxiety and depression but it help me and other aspects of my life like school, work and relationship with everyone around me. When I got the program I wonder if I will ever be able to go back to school and fullfill my dreams. Today as of 2008, I am working on my master degree.
When I first came to this forum I have all the worries and some of the symptoms that many of you fear.My life improved so much that I sometimes do not even remember what I went thru a few years back.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:34 pm


That's great to hear! Yes, I truly love the program and although I still have things to work on, I have changed several things in my life and in my head! Good luck and thanks for the encouragement--from a neighbor no less--I live like 15 miles away from Jersey City!

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Post by sleeplessMom » Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:46 am

Dear Pleasant:

CONGRATS!!! I am so very happy for you :D

My anxiety triggered in Apr-2005. So bad, my anxiety disorder forced me to not be able to work(39 yrs old).
Long story short: went thru intensive therapy, researched -read 16 books, purchased the program in Nov-2006 & completed it in Mar-2007. In addition, I started exercising after a several yr absence. I joined Weight Watchers in June - 2007 & lost 45lbs thus far. BACK THEN, I described my anxiety disorder as feeling like I was in a black abyss - alone. Fortunately, I too have come out OF THE DARK. I feel like I was born again! The life I am living & establishing for myself (NOW) - is unlike anything ever b/4. I am a different person & continue to evolve. I have a much healthier perspective about life, others, & myself - I feel lighter. I tell ya, LAUGHING NEVER FELT SO GOOD. I am making plans for my life, actually setting things into motion & making them happen(going back to college & getting my bachelor's in Acct'g is 1 of them). I am getting back to LIVING!!!!

I don't have enough words in my vocabularly(& trust me, I can talk, lol) to quantify my gratitude for Lucinda's program & all it has done for me as well. It told me everything I didn't want to hear, yet desperately needed to hear. It gave me a skillset, a means to help me help myself. For that, I am HUMBLED & immensely greatful. THE PROGRAM WORKS.

<span class="ev_code_RED">In Weight Watcher's, there is this saying, "nothing tastes as good as thin feels". Recovery fr anxiety disorder is hard fought. However, like the Weight Watcher's saying, "No FEAR is stronger than my WILL/DETERMINATION - RECOVERY FEELS GOOD!"</span>

Ty for your posting fr ANOTHER NEIGHBOR: I was born & raised in Jersey City. I currently live 7-10 miles away now. New Jersey is filled W/ WONDERFUL, SMART, STRONG & COURAGEOUS PEOPLE - we're pretty great I say. ;)


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Post by Gman5256 » Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:27 am

Hi Pleasant:

I just wanted to thank you very much for posting and coming back to support new members! It really makes a big difference for those starting and continuing the long hard road!

Congrats on feeling so great and being so positive, very inspirational and encouraging!

Best wishes always!
All for His praise, glory and the joy it gives Him.

Hugs, In His Love >:D<

"He who dwells in the secret place of the most
high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

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Post by bsg321 » Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:29 am


wow you describe this disorder perfectly! what an incredible story, a survivor nonetheless!

Thanks for sharing it was very encouraging!

Best Wishes!

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