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Miss Amanda
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:22 am

Post by Miss Amanda » Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:20 am

Hi I'm new to this site. I am wicked excited to get started out here though. I've been doing the program through disc 6 so far. And its helped me stop panic attacks and anxious episodes. But I still have a hard time going out of my house and to the store or public places. I always think that people are saying and thinking nasty things about me which is crazy because what do I know about them? This is something I have been dealing with since I was very young .Like in middle school. any tips on how to get over this???
Amanda Rowe


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:43 am

Hello Amanda! The only answer to this problem reminds me of an athletic shoe slogan - "Just Do It". :D I was debilitated with anxiety last year. I had to force myself to go places by myself for several months until it felt natural again. I have no problems now. Just remember, a little discomfort in the beginning will lead to a lifetime of peace and security. So, just get out there! You'll be so happy you did. And remember, deep breathing even in public, will help you keep those anxious feelings at bay. Good luck!


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:25 pm

Thank you. That sounds about right. I jut wish it would go away. But it WILL! :o) I just have to get myself to that point. Thank you for your encouragement:o)

Posts: 257
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 8:19 pm

Post by deedee00 » Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:36 pm

I have accepted the fact that EVERYONE at some point and time will form an opinion about something or someone, it is human. But really, most people are too busy to even waste a moment saying/thinking something negative about someone they do not even know! For me it was my self image, confidence about myself that brought me to those same thoughts you have. I had to work on ME so that I would believe in ME, realize that I was intelligent, talented, pretty, capable...that really was good enough AND then some! Sure I am not perfect, I accept that and the thing is I MOVE ON! I do not dwell on my shortcomings are keep doing the things I excel in, move forward with that, try new things, gain confidence. I also found that doing good for others (like church stuff, watching Nana, volunteering) brings back SO much to me, but more so I see that what I do brings joy to someone else. THAT is priceless! Hope this helps! Even when you are shaking, believe in yourself and put one foot in front of the other.


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:03 pm

My gosh I'm doing session 6 too and I still see people are talking bad about me, when I definitely realized no matter what I think, it is is not true was yesterday when I though my sister was talking about me bad with her boyfriend and I thought this can't be, I got upset and I went to sleep thinking how can my sister do this to me....Well, let me tell you my sister would never do that, she is the sweetest person in the world and when I woke up today I saw it clearly,I talk to her about it and believe me it was all me (amazing) . Next time you see somebody talking bad, talk to yourself and calm just the anxiety, I know we feel is like being crazy, you know because it seems so real but I guess the high level of anxiety makes that happen......the chemicals, maybe..........Don't stop now get out there and face the lion, no matter if he corner you, if he growls at you and if you are scare to death, face it!

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