A New Year A New Me!

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Post by dawfai » Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:32 pm

Well i have been doing alot of thinking, and i don't know if any of you watch intervention, but if you do then you see how hard things are for people with addictions. They fight it and beat it, and what we all have is similar in different ways.If they can face their fears and beat it then so can we. This is all in our heads and we can change that. We can recover! is it going to be easy NO, but no breaking :)addiction is. I am ready for the fight and am goin to start goin to counceling and doin the program faithfully everday! It is a New Year and way past time to put this panic etc. in it's place.I'm ready to start my New Year off right. I know we all can beat this!! We just haft to be ready as others that are in different situations have been.If you are at rock bottom then you are sooo ready. Best Wishes to everyone and let's start the new year off with our head up eye's and ears open and ready to overcome this.[/COLOR]


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:50 pm

I agree my goal is to feel great in Two Thousand and Eight! I am going to start the program and do it daily!


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:49 pm

Dawfai, you are ABSOLUTELY right!!! and I have been doing some thinking myself. Lastnight was the most awesome new years eve yet! and it was because I pledged to myself that I've had enough of this anxiety stuff and I'm ready to conquer it! Out with the old Robin, and in with the new :) Most of my anxiety is due to low self esteem and low self confidence( as most). Well, I was speaking with my husbands boss's wife and she said some things to me that just blew me away! I had know idea on how much she respected and admired me. I tear up just thinking about it. I got compliments left and right, and WOW, it felt GREAT!!! It's just so sad on how bad we feel about ourselves, when others see us to be so strong, confident, pretty, hard working, etc. etc. What this program is showing me, is that it's perfectly fine to allow ourselves to feel proud of ourselves and to be confortable and confident with compliments. Lastnight, I took it all in and felt AWESOME! This morning when I woke up, I felt a peace, and reassured myself, that I WILL succeed, and the rest of the day has been so relaxing(even with two screaming babies LOL). Another milestone, I can do this! So, on that note, I want to wish everyone a blessed, healing, triumphant New year! We can do this! TOGETHER!


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:36 pm

Hello to all and special thanks to you Robin for sharing. I am brand new to this community. Your words were very helpful. I tend to want to hide and not show the world my lack of confidence and self-fears. And just like you said, i know that others see me as strong, confident and together, which is very far from where I feel myself to be. That fact of your having six children and somehow making the time and commit to doing this program is a total inspiration. I have just reached a point where I know that I have to do this for myself, my family and for the sake of the greater good of all that my heart must serve. Prayers go out to all and especially those with addictions. My own are in the area of food and self-sabotage. It seems that baby steps and staying consistent is where it all begins. Together YES! we will move forward. We are all in this together. Cheers.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 8:28 pm

Amen, to a new year and a new me! I have had anxiety now for bout a year or more. My situation has gone from general anxiety to extreme panic episodes that are so bad i had stopped driving, going out ANYWHERE, and even stopped talking to my dearest friends, and feared myself (those scary thoughts). This sux. I am only one week into this program and i have already made progress and have been reminded that COPING...is something i have forgotten and apparently unlearned. Wow, just that word is a reminder that i will be ok. I've never been a journaler, always been too busy, but i have started one, so far it appears to be of incomplete thoughts, but of many thoughts, lol... i already see i need to slow my mind down.
I do feel like a new me already, i conquered going to a party that i was invited to and did very well, did not drink well (water i had), and i was social again. I didnt allow myself to think about it i just went and socialized like Lucinda says too and i smiled alot. I felt great.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:03 pm

Hi I am Jason and I am hoping to get the progmram in the mail by the end of the week. I have felt like I have suffered from anxiety from the age of 16 on. The last year my anxiety has seemed to manifest itself in the form of panic attack which is making my anxiety uncontrollable. I too am inspired by what you are saying and am ready to do what ever it takes to beat anxiety.

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Post by lovingmysummer » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:44 am

AMEN! I feel good about 2008! I know where anxiety has taken me, and I know I am tough enough to deal with it! I always have! So it's time for me to start enjoying life, have some faith, and start reprogramming my mind! Good luck to you all! We can do this!!!


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:00 pm

Hey FashionSaavy GOOD for you. Your message made me smile. It feels good to be here and to share this experience with others. Your smile is beautiful and I hope you'll keep getting out and sharing it with others. Peace to you and all.

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Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:19 pm

Post by samcat » Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:08 am

It is so good to hear optimism. It is so easy to feel helpless and pessimistic when you are going through what we have been going through. We are strong and we are all here for eachother with words of encouragement! Happy New Year Everyone!

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