Can anyone relate to this?

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Post by peaceseeker72 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:21 am

Morning everyone

I've got a question that I hope someone can relate to.

All my life I've been convinced that everyone I know or meet, hates me and talks about me behind my back the second I leave.
This has caused me to stop socialzing with anyone. My family, my in-laws, and I lost what few friends I had a while ago due to these lovely thoughts.
I'm only on week two and I am seeing and feeling a slight improvement with my anxiety and depression. YAY! But this is really driving me crazy.
Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.



Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:39 am

hi, i feel like that sometimes to. i think it all comes down to haveing low self esteem. this program should help us both a great deal with that. good luck and take care, cathy


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:28 am

Hey Missy! I think I understand what you mean. People can be really cruel sometimes. I have a hard time making friends b/c of the trust issues I have. Maybe that's what is going on with you? All I can say is not over react to your friends when you don't know if they really are talking about you behind your back and if you have good reason address the issue with them. Also don't watch too much aweful stuff on the news or scary movies and shows, this tends to make me have trust issues.

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