Faced My Fear and Scared

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Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:51 pm

Post by Chanel07 » Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:55 pm

Hi Everyone,

I had gotten my anxiety under control for awhile but when I faced my fear which was throwing up (caused by food poisoning), my panic attacks have began again. I thought I was fine but now its even worse. I need to get it together before school starts again.

Someone please help me.


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:45 pm

I know exactly how you feel about having a fear and having the need to get it together before you start school, job, social thing etc etc... Believe me I feel the anxiety and pain but having the anxiety about that is actually making it worse. I just realized that, you know when you try to lose weight before of certain event, you go to the gym, try to diet and you don't get all the weight you want down and once you pass the day of the event you start loosing weight really fast.....go figure!!!! well somebody in the gym told me that the anxiety itself wasn't letting me lose the weight, is like the mind is affecting the body.... we do that to ourselves physically and we produce it all in the mind..... Good Luck on yours!! I starter working on mine :) Liz


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:46 pm

thats super intresting. I really hate going back to school thats when i feel most anxious and i hate the feeling, its a feeling you can not explain it just takes over.


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:14 pm

hello all! First I would like to say you are making yourself more anxious by trying to beat this by a certain time.Then you are worried about school/work how are you goin to make it through the day? What if this happens at school? etc. etc. Do you see how this feeds the fear etc. Try books, journaling, etc. also try saying well if i have one at work/school it won't last and I can control it. These feelings won't last and always pass. FEAR= false evidence appearing real* work your way through this do not put your life on hold any longer due to this horrible panic. Work yur way through it and after you accomplish each day at work/school is one day closer to recovery!
Best of luck you can do it!

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