Eye Floaters

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Post by Coco2 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:16 am

I was wondering if anyone has the same "type" of eye floater as I do. Actually I am not sure if it is a floater or normal or what. Mine is sort of a little shimmery blur.........hard to describe. almost the way a little water drop would look when it was on a computer screen.

Does anyone elase get these? They sort of scare me and I am wondering if it is something to be concerned about?


Coco :)

Hal Schreur
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Post by Hal Schreur » Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:06 am

Hi coco2,

What you describe are not floaters. Floaters are dark spots that are sometimes visable to you. Not to worry,
I have the same symtoms you describe sometimes. Usually not a serious condition, but you should see an eye doctor just to be safe. He/she will be able to show you pictures so you can confirm the condition

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Post by Coco2 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:21 am

oh my now you have me worried!
what is the condition?
i do have glaucoma in my right eye,
any connection?


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Post by TL7 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:28 am

Floaters don't have to be dark...they are nothing more than you seeing what is floating around in your eye. However, I agree that you are not seeing floater. I have something similar where I see like light go by (un associated with my migraines...meaning I'm not having one at the time). It reminds me of like a lazer light that is streaked across the wall...but in white. Sometimes blue...they don't last just quick here and gone. Is this anything like what you are having? There is a benign condition that I wish I could remember the name of...and it is nothing more than you actually seeing what is going on in your eye that you normally wouldn't and it is usually luminated. Oh crap...I'll go look it up hold on.
"If you want it, you got it... you just have to believe....believe in yourself" Lenny Kravitz

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Post by drg » Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:33 am

I have both floaters and flashers. They seem to be most problematic for me when I'm stressed or sick (especially with a cold or sinus problems).
The eye doctor told me not to worry about them, though.

If you are concerned, though, check with an eye doctor that you feel comfortable with.

Take care.

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Post by TL7 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:52 am

I can't find it now...of course. I might have it saved at work. However, I agree with drg :)
"If you want it, you got it... you just have to believe....believe in yourself" Lenny Kravitz

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Post by Coco2 » Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:38 am

Thanks you guys for your replies!

I called my eye doctor at home.....that's one of the bonuses of living in a small community.
We had a long talk and he said there was no condition that would be causing this. He wanted to know if it was in one eye or both eyes. One eye would indicate the problem is coming from the eye, both eyes would indicate it might be an issue with the brain. He had a few other thoughts but I will be seeing him in January and he will be able to really know what's going on.

If you guys have any other ideas let me know.


Coco :)

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Post by Karilynn » Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:51 am

This might help you, Coco.

NOTE: I did NOT write this information. I got it from an anxiety website.

"The sensation:

You may see stars or movements out of the corner of your eyes that don't exist. You may also see flashing lights in your eyes or your vision may seem almost kaleidoscope-like. Sometimes you may feel that there is a dark object or something just on the outside edge of your vision, or that your vision is narrowing. Sometimes you may see tiny bits of light floating in your vision.

It seems your vision is blurry or out of focus, and it's more apparent now than before.
There are times when your eyes seem more sensitive to light than at others, even to a point of regular light being too bright so that you have to wear sunglasses or squint.
You feel as though your eyes are either always dry, constantly watering or itchy. And often, your eyes are red or 'glossy' looking. Even a good night's rest doesn't help.

The reason:

Eyes are nerves. The nerves in the eyes send their information to the brain through the nervous system. When the brain, body and nervous system are over stimulated, the nerves in the eyes can play tricks on you which means we sometimes receive false information. Eye tricks are an example of this false information.

None of these symptoms are serious when they are attributed to stress or anxiety. However, it is important that you get a professional medical evaluation completed to ensure your condition is not being caused by something else.

As an example, at the height of a particularly stressful time in my life, my right eye began to experience blurry vision. My reading distance remained the same, however, objects at a distance were now blurry. I just thought it was because I was getting older, so I went to an optometrist and had an eye exam. The exam determined that I needed glasses to correct my right eye’s far sighted vision. When I received my glasses, everything was fine for awhile as the glasses helped me to see clearly again. However, months later, when the stressful events were long over, my right eye sight returned to normal again. This meant that my glasses used to accommodate my right eye were no longer needed. It was interesting to note how stress could affect even my eye sight.

As with all symptoms, when the body and nervous system get sufficient rest this symptom will diminish and eventually subside."

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Frank Herbert

"How you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. And, so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big test followed by one big lesson. In the end, it all comes down to one word: grace. It's how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, darkness and the light."

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Post by WhenwillIlearn » Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:59 am

A long time ago, since I am old, I also had these clear floaters. I asked my doctor, and they are like bits of old cells that have shedded and are floating till they get washed out of the eye.
I used to look out at the sky and watch them move. I also have the black ones. These the doctor told me were no problem, unless you suddenly had a big increase in them.

I wouldn't worry about them. I used to when I was a teen, I am 61, and still get them.
I am still living and still have my sight.
happy holidays

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Post by Coco2 » Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:38 am

Thank you very much for your replies!!!

What I am experiencing is more of a "shimmer blur" like a floater, same size and shape but it looks more like a dot of water on a tv or computer screen or when the sun hits metal but not that strong. It is a little freaky!

Does that make sense?

Coco :)

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