Maybe the flu?

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Post by TroubledSue » Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:18 am

Why is it that no matter how convinced I "should" be I have a cold or flu, I am still never convinced?

Its flu season
Schools are closing in my town because of outbreaks
I spent the last week in the CCU because a family member was there. I slept there, ate there, everything for a week.
I went to the ER and they said it was a cold or flu
I feel like I have a cold

So, what more do I want to stop worrying this is Lukemia or something terrible? Ugh...


Mary Wargo
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Post by Mary Wargo » Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:01 pm

Hey everyone - the flu is really bad right now and the flu shots only help about 40% of the time this year. Don't panic- it's everywhere right now. Keep the gatorade on hand if you're getting dehydrated.

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Post by TroubledSue » Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:06 pm

I've never felt spacey and dizzy from a cold or flu. Hard dealing with that too. :(

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Post by TroubledSue » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:56 am

Someone please tell me taking Nyquil will completely mess with you the next day.

I feel so spaced out. My hands feel numb, I'm dazed, almost like a panic attack. I feel like a zombie. I took nyquil twice, at 12 hour intervals. I slept from 5pm yesterday, till 11am today. But today, I feel completely out of it and its causing so much anxiety. My hands feel like they are perminantly asleep, everything looks weird. Is this one of those nyquil hangovers? OMG, i hate it and this is the last time I ever take nyquil.

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Post by Missletoes » Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:32 am

Sue, I don't take nyquil because it does that to me. It has something in it that can make us even more anxious. Plus, it doesn't help me sleep at all.


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Post by ~HealthyMe~ » Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:02 pm

I went to the doc and I was told that they have never seen so many adults with fevers as they have this year. She basically told me lots of liquids and to wait it out. I'm just starting to feel normal again but still ill!!! Good luck....
just me

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Post by David** » Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:42 pm

Hi, I'm just now coming off of 4 days with the flu and temperatures that ran as high as 104.5 degrees for over 6 hours late friday night. My avg temp was over 102.5 for over 3 days so yes I know what the flu feels like.

If you took 2 doses of Nyquil it more than likely did put you to sleep for that length of time. I'd eat something before I took it again or like me I stayed on 800 to 1200 mgs of Advil + cold water/alcohol wash clothes (bathed my arms, face, and back of my head for hours) to break the fever.

The main thing is watch you don't get dehydrated. Drink water and/or gatorade/juice, even if you don't want anything to drink. You have to stay hydrated in order to fight this bug off otherwise you will wind up in the hospital with a higher fever than you can imagine and they will rehydrate you that I can promise.

How am I tonight? Here. Still have the flu, now slightly dizzy, and just plain run down/wasted, but I've battled for 5 days with it and 4 of those days with big time fever.

Oh and along with the flu? I decided to stop smoking at the same time. 5 days smoke free as of tonight...and going for 6 days soon.
"May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure."

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Post by TroubledSue » Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:56 pm

me too, kinda, david, lol. i am down to 1 or 2 cigs a day. its 1 cig, smoked over the course of the day. I'll light one, puff it once and say "Ugh, yuk" and throw it away.

Sounds like you had it even worse than I did.

My normal temp is 97.9ish, so anything higher, and I freak out. I take my temp so often, I know whats normal and whats not for me at least. Its been no higher than 99.5 for the past 2 days, which to most would be good, but for me is too high.

It depends on where I take it though. If I take it deep under my tongue, its higher, around 99.2-99.5, but if I take it right under the front of my tongue, its always around 98.6ish.

I'm feeling like this thing is passing, but still not out of the woods yet. Nose is not as congested. Nose is red and sore. Still needing to blow my nose pretty often. Still coughing, but I don't feel like Night Of The Living Dead anymore, so I guess thats good. I bought 1000 mg of Vitamin C pills tonight, so hopefully these will help knock out whatever is still in there.

No more nyquil, lol.

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Post by PlanoGreg » Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:53 pm

Originally posted by David**:
Hi, I'm just now coming off of 4 days with the flu and temperatures that ran as high as 104.5 degrees for over 6 hours late friday night. My avg temp was over 102.5 for over 3 days so yes I know what the flu feels like.

If you took 2 doses of Nyquil it more than likely did put you to sleep for that length of time. I'd eat something before I took it again or like me I stayed on 800 to 1200 mgs of Advil + cold water/alcohol wash clothes (bathed my arms, face, and back of my head for hours) to break the fever.

The main thing is watch you don't get dehydrated. Drink water and/or gatorade/juice, even if you don't want anything to drink. You have to stay hydrated in order to fight this bug off otherwise you will wind up in the hospital with a higher fever than you can imagine and they will rehydrate you that I can promise.

How am I tonight? Here. Still have the flu, now slightly dizzy, and just plain run down/wasted, but I've battled for 5 days with it and 4 of those days with big time fever.

Oh and along with the flu? I decided to stop smoking at the same time. 5 days smoke free as of tonight...and going for 6 days soon.
That's how I finally quit smoking after multiple failed attempts... got the flu so bad that I didn't get out of bed for 4 days, no eating, just water, & no smoking. Once I started feeling better, I realized I got thru the hardest part for me - the nicoteen withdrawal - & I didn't need to start up again. And that was 23 yrs ago. Such a pernicious habit.

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Post by PlanoGreg » Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:07 pm

I have a rotten case of flu as well. Boy, all the symptoms you have all quoted. It's been almost a week & I still feel almost as bad as when it first started.

My biggest problem has always been depression (although with this program, I am beginning to realize how much anxiety has, & continues to play a part in it).
So having the flu & all this crap I worry that I haven't been to work in 4 days & do they think I really havethe flu or do they think I am faking all or some of it? Lot's of what-if worry. And nothing I do or take seems to effect this flu deal positively. I just get so hopeless. And I'm dealing with the results of breaking both my wrists 9 mos ago too. Last op was last month & I have 1 more to go. So I got that pain to deal with, too. Actually, the hydrocortisone from the ops helped with the flu better than the OTC stuff, but surprisingly not as much as I had hoped. The flu just SUCKS.
And I have not been doing the program, but I will start again. On to session 2.

And my deepest sympathies & good wishes go to y'all that are dealing with a flu on top of your usual cross in life.


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