Highly Sensitive People (HSP)

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Post by Molly77 » Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:34 am

Juno, I think there are varying degrees and traits of HSP's. If you fit some you are most likely considered an HSP. There is a middle gray area when it comes to defining things like this. Not black nor white. I agree that is more a trait of a personality than personality. I too have taken that questionnaire. I am considered an ENFP. I have read up on Carl Jung from which the basis for this test is from. I identify with both.

Charlie Brown, I too had been so badly bullied by my peers from the time I was able to go to school right up on through High School. Even after high school. I too had ADD and hyperactivity yet not to the degree to be diagnosed as ADHD. I know that almost all that energy came from anxiety. I too had depression from this yet it didn't show until I was a teenager. I was diagnosed with it when I was 16 years old.

Paisleegreen, I am so sorry about your son. Sometimes people really can add to the pain and suffering of another individual. *hugz*
I too have to have my socks sit just right on my feet or they drive me crazy. Seam has to be wear it is made to be or I start to feel almost a claustrophobic feeling. My boyfriend and even my best friend Becca, have come from sarcastic families. It really irritates me the way they just pass off talking like this to one another. Although, my boyfriends father has found talking this way to me is NOT appropriate. I told him so. ;)

My best friend and i don't really get into it with her sarcasm..we have been friends so long, that I just accept it as her way..she is a very sensitive individual whom has had alot of pain in her life..it is how she got through it.

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Post by Juno » Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:00 pm

Ya, I think that is true Molly. I'm going to buy some books on HSP to learn more. I definitely fit the criteria. I love people so much, yet I run away from all people after a long day. I get up late JUST so I don't have too much interaction in one day. If I get too much negative interaction, I don't cope. I just shut down and turn my cell phone off for 2 days so no one can annoy me. And I can't deal when someone else controls my environment like when I am a house guest at someone's house or on a plane and going through security, restaurants. And I don't get anxious just uncomfortable, I think the fears are real. I know it's somehow triggered by Celiac disease since I always have to be careful not to ingest gluten, but I think it might be related to HSP as well. Ooo here's another combination--can some HSP be closet Celiacs? (Celiac disease damages the brain and often causes anxiety and depression.)
I think my mother might be HSP as well. Really interesing. I'll order my books on HSP tonight. :-D
"If you are calm, you are in control of your mind and body. If you are
upset, they are in control of your mind and body."

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Abraham Maslow

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Post by Molly77 » Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:38 am

well the interesting thing is that people can be HSP's without having anxiety or depression disorder. If they are nurtured in a healthy manner and taught how to care for themselves mentally and emotionally the way we need to be, they will be just fine in society. They accept themselves as sensitives and take the necessary timeouts when they start to feel overstimulated. I have been reading that HSP's that don't learn their own signs of over stimulation push themselves to far for too long and it can create anxiety and depression disorder. I don't really have too much of a problem with gluten as i can eat some and be fine. I choose not to eat that much anyway though. I don't have Celiac's disease since my doctor screened me for this already a long time ago. Nope, for me it is just plain and simple a learned behavior on top of genetics.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:14 pm

Molly and Charlie Brown--Thank you for your condolences. I appreciate it. I just wished I knew then, what I know now. But I guess I'm learning what I know now, due to my experiences and need. I knew enough about ADHD and depression to take my son to a Psychiatrist when he told me he didn't want to live. He just wouldn't take the medication. Also, suicide is always a surprise to the ones left behind and many suicidal people will hide it from others.

Yes, this one son that has the sensitive feet, he at age 3 would have to keep refolding a blanket so that it aligned right. The corners had to match. He was very frustrated because no matter what he did they wouldn't match. This was because it never lined up right in the first place. It was cut by a fabric store employee and it wasn't square.

Molly, I like what you learned about HSP's not knowing their limits to over stimulation.

Juno--I feel like just cuddling up in my bedroom and watching TV, even better in the dark. Then I don't have to be stimulated by my "stuff" in my room. I know that if it were a sunny day I would feel differently though. ;)

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Re: Highly Sensitive People (HSP)

Post by Juno » Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:37 pm

PaisleeGreen, I'm so so sorry hear about your son. I teach and I can't imagine treating a student like that who was bullied. I was bullied mysef, but then my anger scared them away. He he I'm awful when I'm really angry. May be it was a good thing then.
But wow, HSP is really something school administrators and teachers should be informed about. It may influence learning style. I ordered my book and I'm really curious to read it. I'm still on the road to diagnostic assessment by medical doctors. It's amazing how many causes anxiety and depression have--genetic, many diseases cause it, hormonal issues. I notice that I'm only really sensitive at certain times of the month. It's not constant. But I suppose I fit the profile of HSP in general.

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