Panic disorder with chronic illness

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Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:44 am

Post by Beema » Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:27 am

I am new to this forum. I have had panic disorder for 40 yrs and had learned to live with it quite well by just accepting it. Worked as an RN, raised my family,have a good marriage. I had always knew I was feeling the panic as I would get lightheaded and feel like I was going to faint and of course I had finally figured out I wouldn't so just said to my panic "Hey do your best you don't scare me>" Well, imagine my surprise 3 years ago when I was at my grandsons school function and suddenly felt that way and then woke up surrounded by concerned people and paramedics. I have ms and some minor heart things so they blammed it on that and possible dehydration. I went on with my life although had many stressors as husband got cancer and had surgery, my dad had a major stroke, mom alzheimers and my big brother died of cancer. Was a hard time. I noticed the panic was more enhanced but was able to face it. Then 2 yrs after almost to the day after the first episode of fainting I did it again at my grandkids school. I was then diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction and can't stand on my feet for very long as bp drops and I will faint. My panic attacks increased and now I don't know whats panic and whats not and find it hard to function well at all. I find I am avoiding things as am so afraid I will faint especially in public etc. So my question is does anyone else have this illness thing with panic and tell me how they cope? I can't take medications for it as found out the hard way they are deadly to my body.

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Post by SoWhatif » Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:04 am

Beema, sounds like things are hectic. You are a rn, have you disscussed this with your Dr.?
More exercise would be at the top of my to do list. Also how is your eatig habits?
Is there a mental health worker you can confide in or talk to?
Stick around here and bone up on helping others may help. Wish ya luck and maybe have your heart rate checked when these things happen.
How does one say try to stop worrying.

Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:44 am

Post by Beema » Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:47 am

Yes I have been seen by multiple drs. My primary care, my neurologist for ms, after my syncope episodes was sent to a cardilogist and an electrophysiologist who diagnosed me with autonomic dysfunction. My bp drops dramatically when I have stood long so now am not to stand or be on feet more than 7 to 8 min. As for exercise I got a recumbant bike for Christmas and it is allowing me to do some exercise as if I am trying to exercise upright I faint due to bp drop. Yes, I have seen a therapist for over 2 years. Wonderful person who says I have the panic disorder plus post traumatic stress but he himself isn't sure how to handle the fact that it is hard to tell the difference between what may be simple panic and one of these episodes.
When I started with this I lost over 60 lbs even though I was eating up to 4000 calories a day. Some of that may be attributed to the tachycardia(rapid heart) I had. I am on medication for that which has made it very slow now. My weight has stablized and I have gained 10 lbs of that loss back.
As for having heartrate, etc checked when I have these attacks I do that but I guess what isn't being understood is that I have same symptoms with the health issue and also with the panic. One can cause me to pass out the other just make me uncomfortable. I am seeing there just isn't any good way to make one understand what I am asking. Possibly nobody else has actual health problems such as heart, ms, cancer with their panic.
As for worrying about it thats easier said than done although I don't think I worry I just want to be able to function!

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