I'm afraid to even start!

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Joined: Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:29 pm

Post by sonia0865 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:34 am

yeah, I can relate. The reason that I am afraid to heal from child abuse is because I will no longer have my parents to blame. i will have no one to look to but myself. I am afraid of responsibility, accountability and life itself. I am afraid of my solitary condition. I feel alone, hopeless, helpless and wish someone could hold me and make reality go away.

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Location: Missouri

Post by shello » Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:24 pm

I hope you have started. It literally saved my life!!! It works! I still have big issues with anxiety every now and then but back then it was constant. I mean 24-7 for about 6 months. That was until I got the program and got to session 3 and it turned it all around. So much so that I quit the program right then for about a year. Then I got anxious again and started over again. So great that at session 7 I quit again thinking I was cured. I still haven't finished the program which is why I think I am getting anxiety again.Now I get scared but I know it will go away and that means everything. I haven't learned the tools.
So get all the way through it!!!
I will make you a deal. If you haven't started yet- I will start all over and we can do the program together!!! Be accountable to each other. We can meet in the HELP chatroom at a set time each week (or even more than once if needed) and discuss the program.
Either way- please start!!! It will at least show you that we all have those bad thoughts. You are not alone. This program is good stuff.
"Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees you are in the perfect position to pray."

Susan Gilbert
Posts: 45
Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:34 pm

Post by Susan Gilbert » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:53 pm

sonia0865, I hope you take shello's suggestion. You won't regret working with her. You are definitely alone! This is a great support group here and shello is willing to work with you. I agree this is a GREAT program. I also suggest getting the book, "What To Say When You Talk To Your Self" By Dr. Shad Helmstetter which is recommended in the program around chpt. 3 or 4. You can overcome your fears by thinking differently! You have so much to live for and I know you are talented and have so much to offer others. Those of us who have suffered from anxiety or depression are very talented and giving people. Another thing to look at is your diet. I keep reading that depression and anxiety can be related to a vitamin deficency...especially vitamin B's. I would make sure I am eating raw vegetables and fruits everyday and taking a reliable B vitamin. Nature Made is suppose to be good. I get my supplements from Nature Sunshine on line or New Sun on line. They are a little more expensive but I feel they are of excellent quality.
If the program is too difficult to start with, Lucinda has the book, Panic to Power. It is a summary of the program. It is easy to read and will give you the starting point to get into her program. You can do this!!

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