TMJ/ Teeth grinding/ Receding gums?

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Post by gidge980 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:01 am

For years I have been an offensive teeth grinder. More recently it has turned into clenching, and often times I have noticed I will tap my teeth together during the day. I sleep with a custom-fit mouthguard, but feel that's just a bandaid for a bigger problem. I know this stems form my anxiety/stress. Recently the dentist told me I have some gum recession, which I am sure is a result of the teeth clenching/grinding/tapping. I need to reduce this bad habit! Having gone through the anxiety/depression program several times, I am looking for an alternative source for putting an end to this bad habit. Has anyone found something that works? How about hypnotherapy?

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Post by notsonostalgic » Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:30 am

hi, I'm not really an expert on this, but I use to grind my teeth a little out of habit, if i could suggest, start chewing some gum or eating chips instead. For me it was just a nervous thing I did, it's ok to be nervous, you probably just have to find a better way to channel it.

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Post by Molly77 » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:48 am

I find just realizing that you are doing it helps. When you are grinding or clenching, just remind yourself to relax and breathe. What thoughts are you having? Are they anxious? try to concentrate on breathing slowly and relaxing your jaw. Maybe it is just something that you need to catch yourself and practice undoing what the habit is...

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Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:25 am

Receding gum line can be halted somewhat with flossing. I'm not sure why grinding teeth would cause receding gum line. I have receding gum line and even had a some tissue grafted. It didn't take completely and I wonder if it was due to me taking anti-depressants that cause my mouth to be dry and I would suck or chew on ice.

The ice would be soft before I would bit down on it. But I don't have the desire to chew on ice or even have ice, now that I'm off of Wellbutrin and Cymbalta. My mouth doesn't get dry like it use to, but my gums are receding and part of it is age.

I need to check in with my dentist for a cleaning. All these things take time and money. I got my eyes checked again today, after not having an exam for 5 years. Wow, it doesn't seem like it was that long ago, or maybe it took me longer to get the prescription filled. :p Paislee

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Post by Sit-N-Spin » Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:43 pm


gum recession happens with age,smoking,coffee, not really grinding,try sonic care tooth brush to massage the gum's will help.Swish with water often,floss every day.Chewing gum may help,but I would not chew hard that can press against the gum's if your not careful and cause more gum recession.

Best to you !

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Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:52 am

Post by sssallylane » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:04 pm

If your teeth grinding is really caused by stress, then you should find a better way to manage your stress, instead of the grinding itself.

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