Changing My Mind

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Vain Weather
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:38 am

Post by Vain Weather » Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:02 pm

I just received the materials. I have not yet opened it and I am in a cycle of not doing anything I enjoy and if I do I never complete anything.
I have lost all faith in myself ever since I was laid off from my teaching job, despite the hidden blessing of raising my 3 little ones at home.

I want peace. I want clarity. I want to get through this course in order to live my life the way I should.

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Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:45 pm

Post by notsonostalgic » Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:26 am

You don't "have" to bolt yourself down and force yourself to follow the whole program start to finish. Although it was designed to be followed in steps, the overall message is great, and listening to the program, you're going to learn a lot of really great things.

My life has completely changed because of the program, I didn't even know what a negative thought was when I started.

I think the overall message of the program, is that YOU have the ability to make yourself happy, by focusing on the good things in your life, and taking the bad things and making them smaller.

Losing a job I'm sure is very difficult for you, a lot of people are going through that. Even for people that don't have anxiety problems, they could probably benefit from the program.

If you ordered the program, then there's probably a good reason for you to check it out. I think there's a money back guarantee after x amount of days, not sure if they still offer that.

Stick it out, be happy, take it easy, and relax, there a lot of good things in life, you just have to focus on the good not the bad, and then you'll start feeling better.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:34 am

Well, you must have completed something because you are here, you had a teaching job and you have 3 kids! :)

I lucked out because my sister didn't use her CDs. She felt she wasn't ready to listen to them. Boy, she could have really benefited from listening to all of them. But I'm the lucky one, because she sent them to me, although they are on loan. She kept the workbook and I'm missing Session 7 and another one, not sure though which one it was.

Anyway, I've listened to all CDs and I go back and listen to them again and again, and not in order. I don't have the workbook, but I bought From Panic to Power just a couple weeks ago when I found it. It fills in what the CDs don't have.

Right now you are feeling the "blues" it is hard to want to do anything when you are down in the dumps. But you are here and that really helps. I know it helped me, as it was my sister that told me all about Lucinda and when I was having a hard time, I looked up Lucinda B. online and here I am. :) It has really helped me and I think if you keep posting here and listen to the CDs you are going to feel better.
:) Paislee

Vain Weather
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:38 am

Post by Vain Weather » Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:47 pm

You are completely correct! I feel great about doing something FOR ME! I look forward to the part of the day that is devoted to this forum and the CDs and the workbook.

I had an anxiety attack listening to Session #2 last night and I just continued to listen instead of searching for the Xanax in my pocket. I really understood the fact that I would not die from these feelings so I held on to this thought when I went to bed and I just felt empowered. That was HUGE for me! Thank you both for sharing.

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