Ativan Stopping Heart

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Post by xlostgirlx » Sun May 30, 2010 5:00 pm

Originally posted by SimpleTruths:
Hey Lostgirl,

Here is an excellent link that will help you understand the different anti-anxiety meds and how they compare.

Viejo70 is right in that your body can build up a tolerance to them and you will have to take more to get the same effect. I take xanax and have for over 10 years. I've never tried Ativan but I think they pretty much work the same way. Here is the link:

I've tried different natural things with mixed results. Some have helped. Others have put me in the hospital as herbs can be just as toxic as synthetic meds. I took one once, at my drs advice, and my heart raced to the point I had to go to the ER. It ended up that the natural supplement had things in it that conflicted with my body. I never took it again and I am very cautious about taking anything new - including natural supplements. I hope the link helps. It was written by a lady who had a clinic that helped people get off of anti-anxiety meds. It is good that you do research and just don't take whatever but you can over research too. That has been my weakness. I have researched stuff til my head is spinning with all the information! Wish you the best. I hope you can find a dr. to give you the xanax as if it helps for a time, it is worth it.

I don't want to even test anything or take somethign new that could possibly put me in the hospital either, thats the whole point. I want the xanax because it has worked with my body i know how it works what it will do. It hasn't put me in the hospital its helped me a great deal. I won't try anything else but that because i don't want to end up sick or in a hospital like you said. And until now i dont take any pills until i got what i had in 2006 which was xanax and an antidepressant so the xanax can stop the side effects of constantly shaking to no end which it did when i took it again with out the xanax this time bcause the doctors wouldnt give it to me. So they are making things really stressful by refusing to give it. And now i sit here in bed resting and not doing much stressed out doing this program dealing wtih the feelings of anxiety normally even though it hurts and stresses me out i dont take anything becaue doctors suck. I know how my body reacts and what it doenst want imnot going to be a lab rat and test differnt stuff like i did with seroquil they gave me which made me feel like i was dying and my body was on fire walking outside in my gown feeling like the grass was clouds and i was the walking dead.

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Post by xlostgirlx » Sun May 30, 2010 5:05 pm

Originally posted by SeaRunner:
LostGirl -

I can really sympathize with you regarding the fear of taking medications. Honestly, if you read the warnings on nearly every medication, you'd think that they all could kill you. But the truth is that for the most part, medications are relatively safe if taken properly and under the supervision of a qualified physician.

I've tried many medications over the years for my anxiety, panic, and depression with little luck. I often have either bad side effects or no effect whatsoever. So when I do try a new medication, I try it in very small doses. That way I know that any side effect will be much more mild and that it will be out of my system faster.

The reason I am telling you this is that because there are a few meds out there that do help me, even if they only cut down my anxiety by a third or half. I know you're scared, but consider trying this medication. It sounds like your doctor thinks this is the best medication for you and that it may help you better deal with your anxiety.

Again, consider trying just a small amount. I don't know what the pill looks like, but you can often get a pill cut down to a quarter or an eighth if you try hard enough. Keep in mind that you probably won't get much benefit from such a small amount, but at least you'll get a feel for what side effects you might have if any. The trick is to make sure that you don't inadvertently "create" side effects because you're nervous. This is one of my biggest problems.

You certainly don't need to follow my advice or anyone else's for that matter. If you just don't think you can do it, then don't. It's not worth creating so much anxiety from something that's supposed to reduce it. You are in the best position to make this decision.

Good luck and don't give up.

I won't take the Ativan. I'm far too stressed worrying about medication that i'll just deal with the symptoms even if its making me "suffer" as the doctor put it telling me of what anxiety is doing to me. Though i do like hearing people's oppinions on their experinces with it.

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Post by xlostgirlx » Sun May 30, 2010 5:07 pm

Originally posted by jillzmind:
Hello Girl
Just wanted to clarify something about what I posted. I think if you get an idea about some herbal supplements from a vitamin store that might be a good replacement for your Xanax that you can then take the list of ingredients to your pharmacist and see if they are okay and will not have a negative interaction with your other meds. I didn't meaan it to sound like your local vitamin selling person should be your new health advisor haha not by a long shot. But rather just to shop around and see what's out there and ask questions. Kudos to you for seeking and asking and looking around for help. As overwhelmed as you feel that tells me you are showing some TLC for yourself and that you aren't going to settle for second rate and you want to feel good again. Hang in there and I will keep praying things really turn the corner for the good for you !
Take care,

After hearing that natural stuff will make you freak out or get sick im not taking anyting at all... i hear one person say its good the other say its bad its like you dont know what to think take the pill then one day end up in a hospital. I cant even afford the hospital.. let alone finding a good doctor or medication. the doctor who gave me this medication treated me like a pill will make it all go away and fix it forever. and that was the answer to stopping it.

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Post by michelle37 » Sun May 30, 2010 7:14 pm


I sure do understand your frustration with the doctors and the medications. I had side effects and bad reactions to 3 different antidepressants. It seems so stupid to take medication fot one thing just to end up with other problems FROM the medication that is supposed to be helping you. our healthcare system is definately run by the pharmaceutical companies. Anyway, I was given lorazapam(generic for ativan) and I took low doses of it when I needed it (occasionally)and it really helped me. I did look up the medication on line and compared it to the other popular ones like xanax and clonazapam. they really are the same types of medications. take it from someone who because of the horrible experiences I had with the antidepressants is terrified to take ANYTHING!the ativan makes you a little sleepy though whereas the xanax does not. the last doctor I saw gave me xanax but I havent tried it yet. I got it about 2 months ago. Im afraid to try something new. I finally got sick of trying all the pharmaceutical crap that the doc wanted me to "try" and went to a naturopathic doctor. She gave me an herbal antidepressant called deproloft, by thorne industries. you can look it up on line. I am very sensitive to medication and had no side effects fronm it.I do think it helped with my depression alot.also she gave me some stuff called adrenal response,by innane, made from whole foods. its true, some herbal supplements can be dangerous if you take to much. I dont know what kind of doctors you have been seeing but the one who gave me the xanax was a psychiatrist. they are expesive to go see and I dont know if insurance covers them but they actually specialize in medication for people with depression and anxiety. someone like that might be more likely to give you the xanax. Hang in there. Try to do your relaxation as much as possible right now. As you get further along in the program you may find you dont need the medication.

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Post by xlostgirlx » Mon May 31, 2010 8:28 am

Originally posted by michelle37:

I sure do understand your frustration with the doctors and the medications. I had side effects and bad reactions to 3 different antidepressants. It seems so stupid to take medication fot one thing just to end up with other problems FROM the medication that is supposed to be helping you. our healthcare system is definately run by the pharmaceutical companies. Anyway, I was given lorazapam(generic for ativan) and I took low doses of it when I needed it (occasionally)and it really helped me. I did look up the medication on line and compared it to the other popular ones like xanax and clonazapam. they really are the same types of medications. take it from someone who because of the horrible experiences I had with the antidepressants is terrified to take ANYTHING!the ativan makes you a little sleepy though whereas the xanax does not. the last doctor I saw gave me xanax but I havent tried it yet. I got it about 2 months ago. Im afraid to try something new. I finally got sick of trying all the pharmaceutical crap that the doc wanted me to "try" and went to a naturopathic doctor. She gave me an herbal antidepressant called deproloft, by thorne industries. you can look it up on line. I am very sensitive to medication and had no side effects fronm it.I do think it helped with my depression alot.also she gave me some stuff called adrenal response,by innane, made from whole foods. its true, some herbal supplements can be dangerous if you take to much. I dont know what kind of doctors you have been seeing but the one who gave me the xanax was a psychiatrist. they are expesive to go see and I dont know if insurance covers them but they actually specialize in medication for people with depression and anxiety. someone like that might be more likely to give you the xanax. Hang in there. Try to do your relaxation as much as possible right now. As you get further along in the program you may find you dont need the medication.
I know im sorry you had to go through all of the bad side effects of medications too. And im glad something works for you. I know what works for me but its impossible to get. I will keep doing this program and i hope so much i won't need any medication that would be so good to get out of this wtihout any pills.

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Post by michelle37 » Mon May 31, 2010 6:26 pm

i think you can do it, the important thing is that you think you can do it. Dont forget that part of this disorder is being afraid to take medications. I get nervous about taking my vitamins and my natural stuff let alone prescription medication or an advil for a headache. I do hope you get some releif from the program or meds. This anxiety crap is so unbearable sometimes. have you gotten any help with the program?

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