Baby steps

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Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:11 am

Post by EastcoastGirl » Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:29 am

While I was reading some of the Triumph stories on here today it became apparent to me that I made a step in taking control of my anxiety w/out even noticing it.

A year ago I got laid off from work, I didn't mind because I was enjoying the time off to do home improvements etc. (I've had anxiety, agoraphobia to a degree etc since I was a kid) last summer I'd take my dog for a walk but only out of guilt because I felt bad for him not getting exercise and every time we'd go for a walk around my area I'd have anxiety the whole time. This past fall I fell down the stairs and hurt my back it took 6 weeks to heal during that time I started not caring about the home improvements anymore (partly I think due to SAD winter blues etc) then I got sick in January for 2.5 months with a virus, then my depression and anxiety came out like a lion (for years up until the past two months I was able to talk myself out of anxiety, the last two months I haven't been able to talk myself out of it at all).

I decided a little over a week ago to start taking my dog for a walk every day no matter how anxious it made me I would do it and eventually over come the anxiety of it. So I started out going around the small block (takes a little less then 10 minutes to do it). After two days of that I said go for it and I did the big block that takes about half an hour depending if we are just walking or if my dog is sniffing around. It has taken less then a week of doing this daily to overcome my fears of it. Irrational fears of something happening to me I pass out and my dog takes off or someone takes him. Today is a test day for me since it's raining and I really don't feel like going for a walk but I'm going to throw my rain coat on and just do it. We've been going for 2 to 3 walks a day the last 5 days but even if I only do one walk today in the rain I will be happy because I'm having to force myself to do it.

This may not seem big to some but for me it is considering I could easily become house bound in a heart beat if I had someone who would do the food shopping for me etc (food shopping is the next thing to attack, since I get anxious there and end up only buying half the food on the list because I can't wait to get out of the store). Thanks to all those who's stories I've read today on the Triumph board it was because of those stories I was able to see a little triumph in myself!


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:55 am

Good for you! And it IS a big deal and the courage you're showing is awesome!
You have so much to look forward to ! :)

I WAS housebound for quite a few years and the walking, driving, shopping - well most things actually - were only done with my hubby driving me there, and I'd shop in a hurry or he did it.

It's like looking forward to a glorious vacation.
Life full of new adventures taken on with amazing coping skills and topped with peace of mind and body!

Keep moving forward!
hugs and God bless!


Post by Guest » Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:13 am

Congratulations! Be proud of yourself. It all goes away with baby steps. That is what I did 2 years ago when I started this program. I just told myself I was taking baby steps. I couldn't walk around outside by myself, go to a store, drive, work, or even take care of my son by myself. I was totally non-funtional. Now, I do it all, I'm driving, shopping (and enjoying it), working, taking care of my son and my husband even travels out of town for work now and I'm just fine on my own. I remember when I first started driving, I'd just go sit in the car by myself, and panic. Then I would drive around the block, then a few more blocks, etc. That is how bad I was. But with determination and courage with small steps I have gotten my life back and you will too! Keep taking those baby steps.


Post by Guest » Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:37 pm

Thanks so much for the replies... I'm so happy to see baby steps worked for you now I know that they will keep working for me too!

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