
Share your successes with others
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Post by eagle2 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:13 pm

Is there anyone out there in their sixties, remembers Elvis (alive), etc. If so, how is the program working for you so far? I've had mine for about two weeks and I think I can tell a difference.


Post by Guest » Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:45 am

eagle2-just wanted to give you encouragement-I am 40 and I do actually remember Elvis alive. I do know from going to the online chat there are some women around your age also going through the program-from what they have said it is helping them and they are a work in progress. There are other women I have seen with posts in regards to menopause, etc., so there are others out there. God Bless You-Wolverine


Post by Guest » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:00 am

I am 60 and this program is a God send, an answer to my prayers. I am on 14, but am planning on finishing the full 15 weeks then take a break and go back and concentrate on the sessions that I have not conquered. My husband can tell a difference and I am also, going more and feeling less stressed each day. Keep going


Post by Guest » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:48 am

Thanks Wolverine and MaudeAS for your comments. I'm still deciding whether to keep the program or not. You input is very helpful. Glad it is working well for you.


Post by Guest » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:19 pm

Dear Eagle2 - Just read your question - I'm 64, nearly 65 and am on week 5 of the program - first time through. It is very helpful and I'm so thankful to have bought it. Remember this is a journey and it takes time. Please stay with it! I come to the Peer Support Site whenever I need a boost, and I always am encouraged. I hope you will be encouraged, too. Life has many ups and downs and I believe what I put into this here will help me to balance things out.
This week a niece gave birth to a still-born child and I'm grieving for her. The Lord is also so much a part of this for me. He's giving comfort and enabling me to keep going now when depression could take over. I must go write some things down now in my journal and listen to the relaxation tape. Often I feel I don't have enough time, but then I tell myself just how important this is! Hang in there!


Post by Guest » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:45 pm

Hi Eagle:
I am 80. I have benefited from the program.
Of course I remember Elvis.
How does that fit into the program?
I still benefit from the program and from this forum.
I hope you keep the program. I think it would help anyone.
I bought 2 extra programs. One for each of my daughters. My eldest daughter will be 60 this month. She can remember Elvis alive.
She can certainly benefit from the program. I don't know if she uses it. But I hope she does.

You'll get out of the program what you put into it.
I think it is a great program.


Post by Guest » Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:37 am

Eagle 2-I really hope you do keep it. You said yourself it was making a difference. Do not let anything negative come in and tell you different. Like the others said what effort and time you put in is what you will get back. You also do not need to pressure yourself like hurry get it done-you can take your time with each session-you can always go back, etc. You are never to young or too old to learn and my Grandma used to say if your not learning your dead!Well God Bless You and all the others out there-p.s. do it because you want to, not because you have to and also so you can tell yourself you did do it!-Wolverine

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Post by Lenore » Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:21 am

Thank all who answered my posting. Your encouragement is very helpful. My Mother passed away four months ago this Sat. She had Alzheimers for about 3 years. As Nancy Reagan said, Alzheimers is a Long Goodbye. Anyway, I am suffering today and can't pinpoint my thoughts. I would covet any prayers you might offer on my behalf. God Bless you all.
Your greatest challenge isn't someone else. It's the aching i your lungs & the burning in your legs & the voice inside you that yells "CAN'T". But you don't listen. You push harder & hear the voice that whispers "CAN". An you realize that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you REALLY ARE.


Post by Guest » Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:12 am

Hello everyone. I have decided to keep the program and started on Session 1 today. Whew! There is alot to do each day. Does anybody else feel overwhelmed? Does it get easier?

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:39 am

Post by Glass » Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:41 pm

Good, Eagle2, that you are keeping the program.
I am sure that you will profit from each session.
God bless and good luck!
Keep posting.

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