life is good - and it's a long post!

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Post by karmaberry1 » Mon May 24, 2010 3:22 pm

it's monday night - work tomorrow. i feel like i've been off for about a month! LOL i'm actually looking forward to tomorrow. one of my bff's from work came over this afternoon with her 14 year old daughter. we had a good time by the pool.

speaking of which - it's supposed to be impossible to turn a salt water pool green. i have! i'm calling pool guy tomorrow to come show me what i'm doing wrong. it's not a bad color green - but it's just odd. LOLOL

i've tanned - yayyyyyyyyyy. it will be gone before i can turn around twice, but that's ok because tomorrow i'll go in tanned LOL

i've managed to accomplish bits and pieces of this and that around here the last few days. what am i doing tonight? laundry so i'll have clothes for tomorrow HA

forever young - you drive over 9 miles alone? you have no idea how i envy your achievement there! that rocks more than you know!!!!!

jill - i'm sitting here and patting you on the back at the same time. how cool are you doing all that in one night?

it's true that one step leads to another then another. it's truly a snowball effect that begins.

i went to home depot again this afternoon with mama - i'm thinking they're going to start charging us rent LOL i bought one of those 42 inch tower fans. will take it back tomorrow - it's too high to be steady. it doesn't have a dying pray of lasting around here - not with how clumsly i am and the way the boys run through the house playing. i'll just stick with the low round fans i already have. it's like a wind tunnel in this house. it's already in the 90s and i'm going to see how long i can go without turning on the a/c. one year i lasted until the first week of july!!!!!! makes me wonder if i'm thrifty or just plan crazy? LOL x forever

i did buy some pretty plants - purple, red and yellow. i bought medium sized ones so i can repot them the way i want. i have a plan!!! LOL

wishing everyone a great tomorrow!!!!!

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Post by manofmusic » Tue May 25, 2010 12:34 pm

With all of the work you did over the past while, you deserve the tan ! LOL You worked hard for it. Hope today went smoooooooooooth for you.

Now for my day today.

I walked in this morning (after a 3 day weekend) and the 1 jerk in the shop yelled from across the shop that I forgot to do something for him and he got louder and louder. He told me off in front of everyone and said that I'm always forgetting. The owner was right near him and he didn't say anything (come to find out that the "yeller" is the boss' "pet".) I CALMLY walked away. I looked into what he was talking about and found out that I didn't forget anything. HE was the one that forgot to tell ME ! I went out into the shop and CALMLY gave him the info he was looking for. I turned and walked away. As I was walking away, he kept yelling my name. I never looked back and didn't see him for the rest of the day. About an hour later, my boss accused me not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES for doing things he said he never approved. He came out and said that he "never f***** told me to do this." Real professional.
I shot back and told him that he did. He yelled back that he didn't. I took a breath and said CALMLY that he did. I showed him and he insisted on getting the last word so I let him have the last word. Well.....this is where karma kicks in. A customer came in this afternoon. The customer was going over a job with the above mentioned boss. My boss did the same thing with the customer ! Then a guy from the shop came in and my boss did the same thing to him !!!!! The customer then said "Well at least he does that to the employees and not just me !" .........needless to say, I left work with a smile on my face. This morning that stuff made the depression kick in. I really started to think that maybe I'm not good at what I do. By the afternoon, I realized that it doesn't have to do with me at all. Once in a while my bad mood (depression) kicked back in, but it didn't stay long. I hate it when a boss is so insecure with himself that he has to knock other people down. The same can be said for the guy in the shop this morning. It gets tiring trying to change my thought pattern all the time ! LOL

Thanks for letting me vent !

Hope all went well today.

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Post by karmaberry1 » Tue May 25, 2010 1:51 pm

i just wrote the longest post ever - and lost it. now i will summarize LOL

you gleaned valuable information today. your boss is a mean-spirited bully to everyone. it has nothing to do with you.

a normal person would have felt depressed after what happened this morning. through this statement i have proved you NORMAL. lol

you gutted out the day and left with a smile on your face. you rock - you rule!!!!!

i came home after a day of explaining the rules over and over and over to unhappy parents both on the phone and in person. it wasn't a bad day. i empathize with them. there are rules in place thought that must be followed. do i like rules? not particularly - but it's my job.

i repotted the plants i got at home depot yesterday. i bought purple, red, and yellow. i hope they'll grow hand over fist!!!!

if what you wrote is venting - then what in the world is it i do? LOLOL

forever young 06
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Post by forever young 06 » Wed May 26, 2010 9:53 am

hey I survived the dentist today so proud of my self. It was for a crown I was there forever whew was glad this much is behind now the bill could probably buy a washing machine with what this will cost wish my teeth would quit breaking man that stinks
today is half way day tomorrow is thursday two more days ya ya it has been so hot lately better than all the rain though rather have hot weather than cold

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Post by karmaberry1 » Wed May 26, 2010 2:59 pm

the last time i had a tootache it beat me down in 3 days!!!! talk about something knocking me to the ground - it was amazing and flat out sad!!!! i kept putting sensodyne on it because i figured i wasn't using enough. on day 3 or so, when i finally went to the dentist it was a simple fix - just the littlest bit of filing down the bottom tooth - the dentist didn't even have to use anything numbing because it was done in like 5 seconds! but to say i was a miserable child when i went in is an understatement. i was begging for a root canal - i was that defeated. oh and in tears!

i came home from work an hour early today. i've picked up a stomach virus - blast it all. i'm light-headed, don't feel like myself, and blah blah blah.

i went crazy late this afternoon. i'm not proud of it - just simply stating a fact. my pool - with the new salt water system - after an additional 80 pounds of salt - went greener. i was so angry at the man who installed the system - well you can only imagine. he did not come as early as he'd said he'd be here, so i naturally assumed he wasn't coming at all. i called him twice and it went to voice mail. i went insaner and insaner with every 10 minutes that passed. when he showed up right before dark, i told him i was crazy and angry at him and everything. he looked at the system and said it's working perfectly - that i was supposed to be adding STABILIZER to the water to maintain the chlorine levels from the salt.

what lesson have i taken away from this - yet again? my temper needs a lot of work. i NEED to be STABILIZED. i made myself crazy and sad by self-talk: he's NOT coming, he's blowing me off, he did a bad job, everybody takes advantage of me, poor me - the list goes on and on to infinity.

why am i sharing such a bad part of myself with everybody? have i no pride? sure i do LOL the message is negative thoughts and actions are absolutely the worst!!!!! they will make you feel even worse. i'm going to "blame" a bit of it on this virus thing i've got going on but the rest? gang, i take full responsibility.

i am responsible for my OVER reactions!!!!! so there - i said it.

now that i've exhausted myself with the truth, i'm lying down for the night LOL x forever

rock on kids!!!!!!

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Post by michelle37 » Wed May 26, 2010 6:29 pm

good for you for admitting your not perfect. That is progress! plus that all sounds like something I would get plenty mad about too. I think patience and understanding is the hardest things to change!. Hang in there. hope you get to feeling better.

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Post by Stupid_DumbWhitemen » Thu May 27, 2010 12:53 pm


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Post by karmaberry1 » Thu May 27, 2010 2:08 pm

that's not an uncommon name around here LOL

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Post by creamcheesepuff » Thu May 27, 2010 2:58 pm

I can relate to that pool incident. However, people, especially repairmen or service people should have the courtesy to call if they are going to be late or not come at all because of a hold up. I have went off the deep end and made myself nuts if something wasnt going how I expected it to. Thats what the Expectation tape is for...its good, I try not to overblow everything, lower my expectations of people because afterall THEY ARENT like me and it seems to work. It takes a lot of patience, alot of deflating your anger and tolerance. I do make situations worse than they are...I think, think and think. creamcheesepuff

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Post by karmaberry1 » Thu May 27, 2010 3:08 pm

anger is something i'm trying to resolve. it's so tiring and it just doesn't feel good!

i spent most of today sleeping. i emailed that i wouldn't be in: "sick day. stomach virus." short and to the point - very hemmingway-esque. nobody has time to read a dissertation LOL

i still don't feel 100 percent. even soup isn't sitting well - hmmmmm. tomorrow we're having an end of the school year luncheon at an italian restaurant. i hope i rally!!!!

i guess the reason for the "party" is that everyonoe lived through the school year! i'm year-round though so i work the entire year. the best part of not having the summer off - for me - is that i need structure. i get bored and off-task when i'm left too long to my own devices. not a good thing.

i saw what may be a different snake out back late this afternoon. this one is black and yellow. i looked it up and i think it's a king snake. i was trying to get a picture of it by hanging over a fence gate while the boys were going nuts and clawing thru the fence at it. i missed. oh well. if it would only go on down the creek - geez LOL

i hope everyone had a great day!!!! i actually WANT to go in tomorrow!!!! LOL

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