You Know You Have Panic Disorder When...

Somtimes it helps just to laugh.
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Post by fightback76 » Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:26 pm

love seeing the funny side of this problem

keep up the laughs


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Post by Kittywillow » Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:08 am

This was my first time to this site....I was laughing so hard....I have a blog on myspace about these funny things....I keep adding more when I find them....

It's so great to know other people are just like me....maybe we aren't so different after all....who's to say we aren't the normal ones, and the others are odd....

I always have to joke about my illness, otherwise I end up feeling worse...

but here's one for ya:
You know you have a mental illness:
When someone says "you're crazy" and you can respond with "yep, and the governement pays me for it!--and it's the honest to god's truth!

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Post by bevhembree » Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:54 pm

That's the most hilarious thing I've heard yet- the gov pays me for it. I sure hope my disability will go through eventually and I'll defintely use that line.
For now I'll look forward to telling my daughter's boyfriends that I'm crazy and have the paperwork from the doctor to prove it. I'm not scared to be in the looney bin again. I say that with a light heart and not meaning offense b/c I've been there more than half a dozen times- lol.
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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Post by AnnetteW » Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:24 pm

:) Hello Kittywillow I also have a myspace with several people with anxiety and other disorders that respond to each other. I would love to add you or anyone else to my friends list. Bevhembree I would love for you to come and join us also. We try hard to build each other up each day.

my address is

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Post by cprince » Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:03 pm

I sooo needed this laugh today. Thanks for sharing.

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Post by cprince » Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:06 pm

I also have a myspace. Carrie Prince is my name. Hope to hear from you guys.

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Post by lovelysmile » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:57 pm

Thank you for sharing this FixingMyBrokenSmile and to the Peer Support Group Webpage for still have this funny post after all this time. This really made me laugh a LOT!!! I can totally relate to all of these, I like the part that says; quote
" - You take a shower and do you hair because you don't want the paramedics who are going to pick up your dead body to comment that you smell and look awful"

Hhahahaha!!!! that's helarious!!! I cannot get out of my house dirty because I think that if I would died outside my house somewhere I would be embarrace of myself if the doctors would see me dirty, you know, I think they would think I didn't know about higine or something like that, till today I thought I was crazy for thinking like that!!!! jajajaja Thank you!!!!!!

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Post by arobe1002 » Mon May 05, 2008 1:47 pm


I've always envied my cat and dog b/c they got to stay home in bed all day. Even back when I was 7 years old. Of course I realize now that even then I had issues.
"In time you'll recognise that love is larger than life
And praise will come to those whose kindness leaves you without debt" Neil Finn
and bends the shape of things to come
that haven't happened yet

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Post by luvlife » Tue May 06, 2008 5:22 pm

You know you have OCD when you straighten the pictures in the doctors office or get caught with a wet paper towel dusting the bottom edge of their patient table on your hands and knees. "They're coming to take me away - hey! hey!"

Also - I have to put my house in "dying order" when I go on vacation and even sometimes before going to bed, because I don't want anyone to talk about what a lousy housekeeper I was. (which I'm not, in fact just the opposite, I am actually anal).

I'm 69 years old and have been taking my pulse and "going to have a heart attack for the past 30 years." At least I'm getting closer to the right age. :p

Also, I have turned around before leaving the house and straightened the centerpiece in the middle of the table. And when I hung clothes on the clothesline many moons ago, they had to be in order according the person and size...husband, wife, first child, second child, third child, etc....

I MUST face the door at any "eatery" and I probably know where most bathrooms are in a radius of 30 miles from my home.

Thanks to all of us for the smiles an giggles!

God love us....we are unique!!
Hugs to all - Judy

<span class="ev_code_RED">"Life is not waiting for the storm to pass ~ it's learning to dance in the rain."</span>
"Life is not waiting for the storm to pass ~ it's learning to dance in the rain."

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Post by Tallboy » Sat May 10, 2008 12:43 pm

This post is a blast !!!!

You know you have anxiety problems when you constantly check your fingernails to see if they are turning blue because you heard when people have a heart attack their fingernails turn blue !!!

You know you have anxiety when you stop swimming in the ocean because you are scared of getting stung by a lethal jellyfish.

You know you have anxiety when you stop using regular deodorant because you think the aluminum in it will give you Alzeimers Disease !!!

You know you have anxiety when you teach every friend you know including women the Heimlich manouvre just in case you start choking when you are out for dinner with them !!!!

You know you have anxiety when you used bottled water to brush your teeth while you are on vacation...just in case the water at the place will make you sick !!!

You know you have anxiety when you put on half a can of Deep Woods off to mow the lawn because you don't want to catch West Nile Virus from a mosquito !!!

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