You Know You Have Panic Disorder When...

Somtimes it helps just to laugh.
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Post by Believer08 » Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:00 am


Oh how I loved the paramedic's statement!!! WOW someone else really going through this not just me. I find myself making more time to do my hair, makeup, and SHAVE in the event I might need a right to the hospital for a rapid heart beat!!!

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Post by Jannacle » Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:13 pm

I thought I was the only one in the world who cut my pills up into pices like that. LOL!

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Post by blessedmomto3a » Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:13 am

This post has got me laughing so hard at myself - Thanks.
I went so far with the pulse thing when my Lyme Disease was really bad (it makes my Panic/Anxiety unbelievable) I bought one of those pulse meters (like they have in the hospital) that gives not only your pulse but also your pulse ox saturation. There are many nights I have fallen asleep with that thing on my finger when I was really bad. Wanted to make sure my lungs were at 99 percent or more capacity! Bad right?!?!

As for the shower I will hurry so I am not found naked by the paramedics but I have started to think well at least I will be clean right?!?

There have been a couple of times I have had my poor husband call the pharmacy before I take my medication (I am on about 8 due to different illnesses) to make sure that it won't interact. Once I had a real reaction (wasn't too severe but did go to the hospital to be monitored but enough to freak out someone with panic!!!) to a medication and ever since then I FREAK to take any new medicine.


Letting go
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Post by Letting go » Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:15 am

Christ_Bearer your post was the funniest thing I red in a while. I had to laught out loud. That is totaly me! :roll:

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Post by nobledancer » Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:11 pm

Here's one of mine. You know you have panic disorder when you take a screwdriver with you into into the shower, because you are afraid that the latch will malfunction and you won't be able to get out.

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Post by bevhembree » Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:02 pm

NNOOOOOOO- Really?? LOL That's so funny!!! Thanks!
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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Post by nobledancer » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:31 pm is true! Even I had to laugh at myself when I typed it. Thanks for sharing the laugh with me!

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Post by NightLight » Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:19 pm

I LOVE the "you know the receptionist at your doctor's office hates you." HA! I'm fully recovered now and barely make it in for my annual physical anymore (NEVER thought I'd be able to say that!), but there was a good, full year that I went in weekly...usually twice per week AND I went to the ER at least once per month. The receptionists were always nice, but I KNEW they thought I was a complete wacko. At the time, I just couldn't believe that anxiety could be producing the millions of body symptoms I was dealing with. I also lost a TON of weight really fast and everyone was so concerned about me (which only made my health anxiety worse and made me lose more weight). At one point, I had to start buying children's clothing again because Size 0's were falling off of me. I was desperately trying to gain weight, but the constant adrenaline put my metabolism through the roof and I was always nauseated and had trouble eating (I forced myself to drink smoothies with coconut oil added to try to gain weight). Well, I was at the grocery store with my 3 year old son recently and he loves those truck shopping carts. I told him it must be so fun to drive those and I said, "Sometimes I wish you could push the cart and mommy could steer the truck wheel!" Full of wide-eyed innocence and honesty, he replied, "Yeah, but I don't think your big butt would fit in here." Since feeling completely recovered, I've gained almost 40 lbs, but I LOVED when he said that because it made me laugh AND reminded me how far I've come from those tough days. Moral of the story, hang in there! With the support we have through this program...we can ALL get through this. Humor is a great way, too!
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Post by Sugarmama » Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:50 am

You know you have OCD....when you have to stop the gasoline pump on the exact even dollar amount or you keep filling until the next even dollar, even if the fuel is pouring out everywhere.
This is me all the way, too funny.
Take Care of yourself, because no one else will.

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Post by BrandonMan87 » Sun Mar 30, 2008 2:41 pm

Yeah now I really feel like I belong here LOL

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