Hi im new here .. need little help

Are obsessive scary thoughts ruling your life? Do these thoughts seem beyond your control? Here’s how you can quickly address them and begin to feel better.
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Joined: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:10 pm

Post by Sayso » Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:35 pm

I do not know exactly what disorder i have but I have some of the symptoms of DP & DR that I got more before 2 months.
I experienced something like heart attack it was terrible feeling...it was caused somthing similar like honey but it was propolis...it seems that I am allergic to propolis.
the next two days I felt good but after i had daily attacks of fear and nervousness..feeling like im going crazy...I always had terrible thoughts in that moment ..... as I'll go crazy or that I will do harm to someone ...
now this attacks are still happening to me, but only in the evening and it takes about 2 to 3 hours and then I feel better but not much since i have DP & DR (These feelings are constant, but not intensive). I dont know lots about this but is this a way how Anxiety work ??...like terrible thoughts that completely overtake you...the worst thoughts that man can think of.
Sometime my palms are very sweat. (sory bad english)
Hi everyone :-)


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:38 am

Hey Sayso,

Yes this is definitely anxiety. Rest assured we all have those thoughts of going crazy and also about hurting others. Check out some of the forum topics here and you will find that you are not alone. The topic " take heart with those scary thoughts of hurting others" it has some great links to videos online of doctors explaining those thoughts. Check it out it will really help. ALso this program is a great starting point.

I see a therapist that a specialist in obsessive thoughts. I also get the nervousness and sweaty palms too. Don't worry that is normal.


This is an article by a doctor called " thinking the unthinkable"


This is his video. You will gain an understanding about the symptoms and disorder

Take care :)


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:49 pm

Now I know what it was 10 years ago ... I experienced a 2 panic attacks...but in that time i did not know what it was ... was similar like this but far less intensively....I think that lasted about 6 months...Shortly afterwards, when I thought about that time I did not know what I was. And now this damned DP & DR...man i really dont have luck in life. Why people experience the panic attacks? is this genetically stuff ?


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:16 am


Everyone experiences fear and stress and anxiety. You are not the only one. But the great news is that there are ways to get rid of the hold it may have on your quality of life. This program is a great start and often times the only thing you will ever need. You will gain an understanding as to what to do.

Some say it is genetic, others say it is a learned behavior. For example if your parents were nervous people or always worrying, as a child you are always looking and learning things from people around you. I know this is a great example for me. My mother and various relatives are very anxious people.

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