why am i doing this to myself?

Are obsessive scary thoughts ruling your life? Do these thoughts seem beyond your control? Here’s how you can quickly address them and begin to feel better.
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Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:45 pm
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Post by 1blessedg » Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:26 pm

i am just totally frustrated with myself. alot of stressful event have been going on the past few weeks. my 2 month old daughter was in the hospital for viral meningitis. two days after she was released i get a phone call from her dr telling me that they need to run test on her kidneys and bladder. my son failed 3 hearing test and i got water in my knee. all of these events happend in the same week. so, alot of stress. about two weeks ago i had one of mmy scary thoughts pop in my head and instead of not being scared of them i totally freaked. ever since them they come everyday, and the worst part is i bring them on when i notice they are not there. why do i do this. i can't understand myself. i even get as deep to think that i will act on them, that everyone was wrong, this time i am truly crazy. i really don't want to live the rest of my life like this. i can just look at something and find what harm it can do. i will sit and think that maybe my dr was wrong i must be crazy. i don't want my life to be taken away from again from this monster anxiety. i want peace. does anyone else feel this way? PEaCE that is all i want. anyone have any insight or suggestions?


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:56 am


You need to chill out a bit. You are not crazy nor are you going crazy. There is alot of stress in your life right now. I believe the scary thoughts and anxiety stem from what is going on. It my also be your way of dealing or coping with the other events in your life.

My suggestions for you is to find an outlet for the stress that is building in you. I, along with many others, find exercising an excellent release for stress. Starting an exercise program, a little at a time building to 30 to 40 minutes a day, will not only get you in shape it will improve your mood and general state of mind.

You have plenty of responsibilities in your life. You can't afford to waste time on the scary thoughts etc. I've been there and I know what you are going through. Start slowly each day, breath and exercise. You will see improvement in no time.

hang in there kiddo and enjoy your children and life.



Post by Guest » Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:55 am

I can totally relate to what you are talking about, however, the exact act of "wishing it away" is only making it be there , only stronger and with MORE intensity!
You can handle any thoughts, be it scary or not. You will NOT act on them, it is only anxiety. You have a lot of stress and when we are stressed out that is when they come on.. It's ok, it's no big deal. You may also be "on the lookout" for them to see if they still scare you. There is no need to do this. Everyone has very wierd thoughts. Just accept. Aceeptance is the key!! Accept that the thought came up and feel the feelings associated with it, all while being compassionate with yourself. You are doing this! You can handle this! Feeling the anxiety from accepting a scary thought is a lot less intense and only temporary than running and getting scared because that anxiety from running will keep coming back, until you are ready to face it.

Fears and all.

make sense?

You are doing great!

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