
Are obsessive scary thoughts ruling your life? Do these thoughts seem beyond your control? Here’s how you can quickly address them and begin to feel better.
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Post by Dominick » Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:32 pm

:D I have reached this session and my obsessive scary thoughts have stopped. That doesn't mean that this session is not important. In recovery from anxiety you can still have setbacks thus making every session important. To me you can never be prepared enough to combat anxiety. After all it's like being in a psychological war. You keep battling until you fully recover. I've learned some good points so far such as replacing a scary thought with a positive empowering thought. For example: My scary thought was that I'm afraid to die and I can replace it with I am strong, I am powerful, It's only anxiety and it cannot hurt me. The fact that I don't have scary thoughts anymore is proof that the skills that I've already learned helped me overcome it.

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