Scary Thoughts coming around again..!

Are obsessive scary thoughts ruling your life? Do these thoughts seem beyond your control? Here’s how you can quickly address them and begin to feel better.
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Post by NoDoubt*Lover » Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:50 pm

I have felt my anxiety coming on the past few days. I dont know why. It could be about me starting my new job, but its got me concerned. Im back with my "What if im crazy" thoughts, and recentley ive been thinking about medicine withrdawal and side effects, ive been obssesing about that. I am on abilify and sometimes I forget to take it and I think that its going to harm me. Can anybody relate? Can anybody tell me how to stop this anxiety from creeping back. Thank You. Ive also been thinking about thoughts like "losing control" when I go off the medicine, or even whe I stay on it..I dont know what to do.

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Post by MelMbrsl75 » Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:26 am

The best thing I feel you should do is just let the thoughts be there. Say to yourself " well, if I am crazy, I am", simple as that. You must downplay your anxiety and thoughts. The thoughts will eventually go away.

Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. ~Dan Rather

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Post by DerikForChrist » Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:59 am

Obsessive thoughts. Oh, how lovely they are. If it's not about medication and side effects, it's about going crazy, or having something unknown wrong with you, afraid you'll lose your mind. If you weren't so sensitized at this moment to your own thoughts. You would see how irrational they are. When you're caught up in the fear, adrenaline, fear cycle. It's easy to lose contact with the outside world and spend so much time examining yourself. You need to accept these thoughts. Is it possible you'll go crazy? Yes, it is. Is it likely? No. You can't medicate everything away. You're still you, and these thoughts, although disturbing are still born from your reaction to them. Until you take responsibility that you're doing this to yourself. You'll stay in the same position. Accept all thoughts, relax your body and let them come. They will not harm you. Surrender to the thoughts and feelings. Give up control and something surprising will happen, you will have control.

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