can someone please reply i need help

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Joined: Mon May 29, 2006 9:15 pm

Post by living_4_the-future » Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:50 am

Ok, my best friend is graduating from the police accadamy. And her boyfriend wants to buy me a plane ticket to surprise here and show up at her graduation. I am afraid of flying and I am afraid to travel. It seems like everytime I make plans to go travel somewhere and i end up canceling when that time comes around to where i was suppose to be somewhere I would be sick anyways and be glad i didnt go. I am scared that if i tell him to go ahead and buy the tickets i will be sick when its time to go, or something else will happen. or i will have anxiety feelings like the "un-real" feeling and it will ruin it. When I feel like i am not really "there" its not alot of fun, i try to ignore it, but it doesnt work. evern when i am not anxious i feel that way. I dont know if i should go or not. What would u guys do? The plane ride is 6 long hours, and did i mention i will be flying all by myself?

Posts: 19
Joined: Fri May 25, 2007 4:51 pm

Post by nobledancer » Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:17 am

Hi l.iving for the future, If you don't really feel comfortable then you really shouldn't go. If you feel up to it I would go. Just take some stuff to relax you on the plane like the tapes, a good book, and other stuff like that. Why don't you ask your doctor about taking a xanax. We need to start pushing through or we will stay this way. I know it's hard trust me. You could always just not go and that is o.k too. Good luck with everything let me know how it goes.


Carolyn Dickman
Posts: 264
Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:00 am

Post by Carolyn Dickman » Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:17 am

i'm going to a large party tonight for a freind i never do these kinda things but it's time to start. i'm going to have fun and bring something to the party. just showing up will make him feel special and he is . i wish i had a date but atlast alone i go wish you a good time and me good luck


Post by Guest » Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:36 am

My advice....if going is something you would look back on and be happy that you went...then go for it.

Facing our fears is an opportunity to get better. These days flying is pretty much the safest way to travel.


Post by Guest » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:34 am

The only way you will EVER beat anxiety is to go for it.

If you are serious about this program you really should go for this.

Sorry if this sounds like tough love, but this is the only way. I used to be terribly agrophobic, I would avoid many different traveling situations. I then started getting better through the program, and I last week I had a 9 1/2 hour flight after 7 hours on a train, all on my own.

I am now in America (I come from England) enjoying a vacation, I am loving it. If I had never taken those first steps, I wouldn't be here now.

NOTHING will happen to you on the plane, there are NO emergencies. And so what if you get a little anxious? You'll just calm down again.

Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:49 pm

Post by Lew » Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:16 am

thank you spunky lady, i need someone to push me, i wish i had someone to shove me on that plane, it just doesnt feel real that i might be in california next week it feels so weird. But i know I will need to do it i have already made enough excuses about not going on vacations before and i ghave kinda regreted them. I am scared i will never be able to travel my anxiety keeps me from doing things, but i need to see more than whats inside the walls of indiana. I mean i go to chicago but i couldnt even stay in the hotel over night i ended up comming home, but it wasnt a very fun trip. I was with my friend and her friend and their lil kids and there wasnt anythign to do it was boreing. And being bored makes my anxiety up roar too. The flight is about 3 hrs, but i have never been on a plane and so scared. I have to make up my mind pretty much by tomm.
Life is too short to own an ugly boat. Step aboard for a wonderful journey!


Post by Guest » Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:59 am

Hi there,

I agree with spunky, the only way to move on is through your fear, you have to try.

I have to tell you this is quite a coincident.
Tomorrow is a very special day for me, you see I struggled with anxiety for many years and have been pretty much recovered for 8 years or so. I purchased the program due to my fear of flying. Tomorrow I face that fear.

Would you believe I ended up with a severe respitory infection, hudge storms are floating in and out of the area, and my Ipod with all my soothing music just broke. I heard this little voice in my head ask "are you nervous yet", I told it to go to hell, move along. So here I am ready for that all so beautifull feeling you get when you make it through to the other side of fear.

I wish you all the best,don't give up your dreams and opportunities to fear, you can do this.


Post by Guest » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:04 pm

How funny I should see this. Before this program I had given up on dreams. I think a lot of it was due to anxiety. I am now starting to drive places even when I'm scared. My stepdad is in a hospital where I would be scared to drive to but I did it yesterday in the rain. Yes, I got goofed up but I made it. Going home there was someone going my way far enough to point me to the right exit..see, God takes care of things. As I was exercising just now in my basement I was thinking how I do want to travel after all. I thought I didn't care about it any more but am realizing it's because of worry about money to go places but mostly anxiety that I'll have jaw or ear pain on the plane etc.FACE YOUR FEARS, when you do you will truly feel like more than a conqueror! I say GO FOR IT! :) iF it helps, you can PM me and give me your phone no. or I'll give you mine and you can call before boarding the plane. RUN TO THE ROAR (your fear). After all that roar is just an old lion who has no teeth! :D


Post by Guest » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:30 pm

Just tell them about your fears, they will understand. Cheer up :-)

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