Overwhelming fear of being sick.

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Post by Bill67 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:56 am

Hi my name is Bill, I've been suffering from anxiety and panic for more than 2 years. I cry almost everyday. I've always been nervous and probably have low self esteem, maybe due to my upbringing. My severe anxiety started two years ago when I did something I cannot forgive myself for doing. I was unfaithful to my wife. I was and am happily married with one child. Things in my life felt like they were going down hill. I was feeling unappreciated at work and with my family. My mother became very ill and later in the year passed away. Prior to her passing a woman entered my life and began telling me how great she thought I was and that she was very attracted to me. I was weak and gave in. It only happened one time. Since then I have an overwhelming feeling that she made me sick in some way. I have been to many doctors and have had all kinds of tests. The doctors tell me I'm fine, but I still wake up every morning and feel like something is wrong. I sought help with a therapist and psychiatrist. I take medication for anxiety and depression but I still have attacks. I cry almost everyday. I told my wife several weeks after the incident and she forgave me, I also went to confession and I know God forgives me, but I still feel like something must be wrong with me and the doctors are missing something. I am starting this program and I hope it can help. I have chronic aches in my neck area and chest. If these pains would go away, maybe I would think I am ok. I've tried everything. Does anyone have a similar situation?

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Post by GI822 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:27 pm

Hi Bill,

I'm not a doctor or anything but it seems like your symptoms of neck and chest pain are anxiety related. If you have been checked out by a physician and nothing has come back, it seems anxiety would be the only issue. It seems like you are living with a lot of guilt. Im assuming from the tremendous stress you were under, with work and your mother passing, adding an affair on top of that caused your anxiety issues. My anxiety came out of nowhere after I had a stressful incident happen to me. Once you learn how to deal with your anxiety, your pains will go away. When I have anxiety my chest hurts and it feels like there is something wrong, like I'm going to have a heart attack etc... I wake up sick too, but its because I am nervous about something. I think once you get control of anxiety your symptoms will go away. Good luck.

vicky for God
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Post by vicky for God » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:15 pm

Bill I have gone through what you are but on the other end of it, My husband cheated on me not once or twice not even three time but five different woman and who knows how many times. I watched him go through a horrible time trying to forgive himself. I forgave him, I thought but because I kept bringing it up every time we would fight I relized I had not truly forgiven him. He asked me one day after we got in a fight if I would please not bring it up. He began telling me what he goes through every time he is reminded of what he did. I did not relize how much he was suffering. I no longer bring it up and it has been healing for both of us. He had a hard time beliving that God could forgive him, so he was unable to forgive himself. Do you know with all your heart that God forgives you and your wife forgives you? If so than accecept it and forgive your self. You made a mistake we have all made mistakes. Praise God you have a wife that loves you enough to forgive you. Belive it's not an easy thing to forgive. She forgave you now you need to show her how much you appreicate her for her powerful love she has for you. Let it go right now Satan has you where he wants you dieing in your guilt. Don't let him win be strong in Christ stand strong and fight for your wife and child they need you. Sorry to go on and on but this is something I feel very strong about. Please feel free to PM me or your wife may if she would like to talk. I will offer any thing I can. I will pray for you and your family.
God Bless

vicky for God
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue May 06, 2008 9:32 pm

Post by vicky for God » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:23 pm

PS Bill I forgot about the anxity part. I'm the one who ended up with anxity. and the worry of being sick oh boy I can't even tell you the times I been to the Dr. I get very bad pains in my neck and shoulders. I think something must be wrong but the more I use the program the more I'm sure it's anxity. Our minds are powerful things we can make our selves sick by just thinking. The Bible says (para-phrase) a man is as he thinks.
God Bless

Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:08 pm

Post by LisaWoo » Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:34 am

I too am on the other end of this, like Vicky. But have the anxiety and depression.

The neck and chest pains, I think, are symptoms of the stress, anxiety and guilt you feel. Very common symptoms of anxiety.

You said you feel fixated on thinking she made you sick in some way. Maybe your thinking of it in the wrong way, the physical sense. When you think about it, she did make you sick. Sick with worry, sick with guilt, sick with remorse, sick with self-hatred, sick with all sorts of negative emotions. It wasn't her, personally. It was the situation. The situation sickened you mentally and emotionally. I know this probably sounds ridiculous, but it just kind of jumped out at me when I read what you wrote. You're trying to find an answer in the physical, scientific sense, and the answer is already inside you. You know how dreams typically stand for something else, it's kind of like that.

Face what you did WITH your wife. Whatever you do, don't shut her out. She needs your healing too. Work together, stick together. You're a team.

As hard as it may be to believe, God is much bigger than we ever give him credit. He loves each and every one of us.

Give yourself some time. You can't move mountains overnight. Yes, you're having some residual pains, but you can deal with this. It sounds like you're expecting yourself to be "back to normal" too quickly. Look at the year you've had. Come on, it's been a rough one. Quit beating yourself up. Take, say,,,,a day off from it.

Hang in there. The two of you will make it through this. One day at a time, one hour at a time.

God grant me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

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