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"Combatting Stress & Depression" Program participant's may post support questions here

Post by Guest » Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:13 am

It's good to hear others saying that it's okay not to panic about not remembering everything in the cds that is discussed. I have tried to remember everything and that is just more stressful, so have decided to retain what I can from each session, make those the important aspects and if need be go back at the end of the program and redo.

On a side note, I really do like the relaxation cd. If I miss just one of the times I have set aside to do them I really feel it. They are so relaxing to me at times I will fall asleep. But when I wake up in the morning I seem to feel rejuvinated.

Well thats my spin on things.

Good Luck..


Post by Guest » Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:30 am

I went off paxil a couple months before I started this program becuase it had started making me worse! It's been a little over 6 months and I feel like my brain is fully functioning again. I still use xanax on occasion but try not to very often. I had thought about the program for years but finally ordered when my massage therapist told me about it. You know it's bad when you have anxiety during a massage!! So far on week 6 and it seems to be helping.


Post by Guest » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:56 pm

I first went to a doctor about how I felt he told me it was anxiety and depression. I was never advised to go talk to a therapist but this is a big help for me.

Before I got anxiety I never thought I would ever visit a therapist in my life but it really helps, some times we just talk about what we have done the last month her boy friend my wife, our dogs just what ever, it helps just to sit and talk about anything...

Good Luck and do not give up
Have a great day

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